Tell Them Your Worst Nightmare!

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"Welcome! I'm Professor R.J. Lupin! I'll be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! Today we'll be doing a bit of a hands on activity! Today we will be facing a Boggart. I trust you all know what a Boggart is?" The class nodded as they stared at the wardrobe Professor Lupin had positioned in the middle of the room. "Good. That makes my job a whole lot easier. Does anyone know the charm to repel a Boggart? Yes, Ms. Middlebrook?"
"Riddikulus," You commented nonchantly. Professor Lupin nodded and smiled as he pulled out his wand, gesturing for the rest of the class to do the same.
"Very good. Ten points to Slytherin. Now I want you all to from a line and each of you will take turns facing your Boggart. I want you to remember the charm you just learned and after your Boggart turns, cast the charm and it will turn into something you find funny. Alright enough talking. Let's begin."
The class scrambled to form a single-file line. Terence stood in front of you while Adrian stood behind you. You peered around all the heads, to find that you were the 4th person in line. Terence turned around to face you and Adrian. "What do you think you're Boggart is going to turn into Adrian?"
"I don't know. Probably my neighbor's cat. That thing has 2 heads and it barks! What about you (Y/N/N)?" Adrian asked. You rubbed the back of your neck in thought. You really didn't know your worst fear. You hoped it didn't involve your boyfriend. You couldn't risk everyone finding out. Terence patted you on the back, and whispered in your ear.
"It's okay (Y/N/N). Adrian and I are here if you need us. And so is that stubborn boyfriend of yours, although I don't know how much good he can do in a public setting."
You nodded and turned around towards the back of the classroom. You scanned the large crowd for a glimpse of your Cedric. You knew you had to keep your distance but you also knew you didn't want to face your worst fear without him. Cedric was your rock. He kept you grounded. He's what kept you going. Cedric was your protector. Cedric was your safety.
When your (E/C) eyes finally caught sight of him, he was already looking at you. He smiled and sent you a reassuring wink. You nodded and faced the front of the room, waiting for your turn. You hoped and prayed that your Boggart wouldn't turn into anything that had to do with your Ced. You didn't want to put him in danger.
The 3 people in front of you went quickly. The first boy in line was terrified of falling. The second was afraid of toads and Terence was afraid of disappointing his mother. When you stepped up to the front of the room, you could feel everyone's eyes on you. Who wouldn't want to know what the infamous (Y/N) Middlebrook was afraid of? Everyone. Everyone wanted to know. As you stood there shaking you sent one last longing glance at the back of the room before you nodded, signaling for Professor Lupin to open the wardrobe. Here goes nothing.
You held your breath as the Boggart emerged from the closet. Then it shifted in front of your eyes. And turned into your father. You gasped with terror.
His hair was pushed out in odd angles and there were dark bags under his eyes making him look even more terrifying then before. The floor around him was covered in whips and knives. His face and his hands were coated with a bright red liquid. You winced realizing the sticky substance was blood.
He sneered at you and inched closer, his maniacal grin still plastered to his face. You whimpered, letting your wand fall to the floor in fear. He laughed, coming closer. You staggered backward, trying to get away from him. "It's been a while since I've seen you (Y/N). I've missed you dearly. I've missed the sound of your screams. Tell them. Tell them what fun we have. together. Tell them your worst nightmare!" Your father cackled, darkly.
You felt hot tears begin to slip down your face as he yanked out his wand. He sneered again, showing his teeth. "You have caused me so much work. You are nothing but a burden on my family. I wish we never had kids. It's so much better when you're not around but the sound of your pain is music to my ears. Come back. Come back to me and let me hear you scream for mercy. Or maybe I should just get rid of you all together. Avada Kedavra!" You collapsed to the ground in tears as he pointed his wand straight at you. But before the green light could hit you hit you he was thrown back into the wardrobe.
"Class dismissed! I'm sorry! I'll see you all again tomorrow! We'll be studying out of the textbooks! Thank you!" You heard Professor Lupin shout as the class filed out of the room. As soon as everyone had left Adrian knelt down behind you, rubbing your shoulders. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling helpless and alone. Where was Ced?
"It's okay (Y/N)! It wasn't real! It was all fake! It's over now! Your safe! It's going to be okay! We just have to get through a few more classes! Cedric looked pretty worried about you but he left with the rest of the Hufflepuffs. It looked like it took every ounce of his energy not to come over here and kiss you to death. He really loves you," Adrian whispered, trying to distract you from your thoughts. You nodded and got to your feet and wiped the tears from your eyes. You just wanted to get through your classes. You just wanted the rest of the day to end. You just wanted the clock to chime midnight and for you to find yourself wrapped in Cedric's arms. Right now you just wanted Cedric.

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