He's Going To Kill Me! I'm Going To Die!

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"Oh My God! What the hell did I do! Oh My God! I'm so dead! He's going to kill me! What have I done! Oh My God! I can't do this! I'm so dead!" You cried falling onto your bed as the letter fell from your hands.
"Baby girl? Oh My God! (Y/N)! My love! Are you okay? What happened?" Cedric asked as he burst through the door to the bathroom. You sat up abruptly, tears streaming down your cheeks. You hadn't realized that he was even in your room. You looked around, noticing his robes and his clothes lying on the couch. You had been too distracted to realize he was there.
"Cedric! He found out! Oh My God! He's going to kill me! He's literally going to kill me! Cedric! Oh my God! Look!" You cried as you waved your letter in your hand. His face turned into a look of utter fear as he walked towards the bed. All he had on was his yellow and black striped pajama bottoms. His hair dripping from his fresh shower. He sat down next to you looking at you fearfully. You stared back shaking your head.
"Do you want me to hold you? Have you opened it?" You bit your trembling lip as you inhaled and climbed onto your boyfriend's lap. His arms wrapped around you, still gripping the letter in his hand tightly. You sighed as you shook with fear.
"No, I haven't even looked at it! But it's got his wax seal on it! He has to know! Will you read it out loud? Please baby?"
"Aw, baby! Of course I can! It'll be okay! Just calm down! I've got you!" Cedric whispered into your ear as he broke the letter's seal. You held your breath as he began opened the envelope and began to read aloud.
"(Y/N)! You have no idea what I'm going to do to you when I see you next! You thought I tortured you at home, well you haven't seen anything yet! You're not going to live to see another day! You've embarrassed me in front of my friends, my clients, and my coworkers! The Minister himself has heard about this! I suggest you brace yourself for the days to come! I will have hell rain down on you! You stupid child! I hate you! I hate you more than you could ever imagine! You will pay for what you've done! You will pay with your life! And trust me, if anyone else sees this your mother and Matthew will go down with you! Just wait!"
Cedric dropped the letter in terror as he began to sob into your shoulder uncontrollably. All you could do was stare into the vast void of space in your room. You couldn't comfort him because you didn't know what to think. He wasn't playing around this time. You knew that he wasn't playing around this time. It was one thing for you to upset him on your own but this time you had interfered with his work life. With his business. You were as good as gone. You knew there was no way to prevent it. He was going to kill you.
"I love you, Cedric James Diggory! I really love you! Take care of Matt for me! Make sure he gets my Firebolt! Or you can keep it if you want! Just please make sure my brother is taken care of!" You whispered as you got up off his lap. You had to find your brothers and tell them what had happened. Cedric looked at you in shock as he began to shake his head in denial. You sighed, averting your eyes, trying to hold in your own tears.
"No! Absolutely not! No one is taking you away from me! Come on! We're going to get Adrian and Terence! And we're going to Dumbledore! Now!"
"Cedric! Didn't you hear what he said? Matt! My mother! We can't tell anyone! Matt's not safe at the Malfoy's anymore!" You exclaimed as your rubbed your head in frustration.
"Baby girl! Listen to me! We will figure something out! Dumbledore will be able to get your mother out of that house and into a safe environment and you and Matt can spend the Holidays somewhere else! Okay?" Cedric asked as he got to his feet, reaching for your hand.
He didn't give you time to answer before he handed you your letter and began dragging you out of the secret passage way. He pulled you all the way to Dumbledore's office and to your complete and utter surprise, Adrian and Terence were already waiting by the staircase.
You rushed into their open arms as they enveloped you in a tight embrace. Why were they here without you? "How'd you know we were coming?"
"We saw you running back to your dorm from the owlery earlier but we weren't fast enough to catch up. Then we were stopped by McGonagall who lectured us about playing fairly in the upcoming Quidditch match. As if we don't already know the rules! How thick does she think we are? So we got back, right when we heard Pretty-Boy tell you that he was going to find us and that you were going to find Dumbledore," Adrian started.
"Anyway, we thought we'd make the process one step easier by meeting you up here. And speaking of Pretty-Boy, Diggory, where's your shirt?" Terence finished.
You looked back and let out a burst of weak laughter. Cedric had dragged you out in such a rush that he had forgotten to put his shirt back on. Your boyfriend averted his eyes as he began to blush madly.
"What happened (Y/N)? Why do you need to see Dumbledore? Did-"
"Ah, Ms. Middlebrook, Mr. Diggory, Mr. Pucey, and Mr. Higgs! How nice to see you again! Is there something I can help you with?" A calm voice said from behind you.
You and the boys spun around, suddenly on high alert, only to come face to face with the exact man you were looking for. Dumbledore. You nodded and held up the envelope for the headmaster to see. His mouth formed a thin line as he nodded back and ushered you into his office. You needed help. You tried to calm your thoughts and think positively. But it was no use. You kept thinking the same things over and over again: He's going to kill me! I'm going to die!

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