Where Were You All Night?

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Breakfast started at 8. You had still had an entire hour to yourself. You stopped in front of the portrait hole, whispering the password. You slipped inside the dark common room. The only light came from the fire burning in the hearth. You sighed, tiredly.
Before you could react a hand slammed you into the wall as a wand was pointed under your chin. You squinted, trying to see through the dark. You instantly recognized your best friend. His expression hard and determined. You smirked. "Terence! It's me! Now get off of me you git!" You exclaimed as you shoved him off you.
He staggered backwards, he expression softening. He blinked, moving to flip on the lights. The chandeliers flickered to life, causing you to shield your eyes from the harsh light. Terence grabbed your hand, as he lead you towards the couches. He pointed to the leather sofa, his eyes still cold and angry. You looked at him unsurely, before sitting.
"WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING STAYING OUT ALL NIGHT! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE GONE FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT! YOU SAID YOU'D BE BACK BY 2 AM! WELL YOU CLEARLY WEREN'T!" He bellowed. You winced as he shouted at you. He was going to raise a lot of suspicion if he kept yelling. You glare daggers into him.
"Would your relax! I'm here now! And if you don't stop yelling, you're going to wake the whole damn school up! And how would you know I was gone for the entire night. I could've gotten up early and gone for a walk." You added innocently. Terence sneered.
"You expect me to believe that crap! I'm not that stupid (Y/N)! I waited for you to come back! Trust me it wasn't fun! I know you were gone all night!" You scowled, angrily.
"I'm not a baby, Terence! I don't need to be watched! You don't need you to monitor me every second! I'm a big girl! I can handle myself!" You shot back.
"I know you don't! But I'm just trying to look out for you! I'm just trying to help keep you out of trouble! What would've happened if your roommates woke up and you were nowhere to be found? Then all of the sudden you and Diggory turn up around the same time! That would be suspicious (Y/N)! I'm not trying to smother you! I just want to help!"
"Terence, I get that you're trying to help me but I can do things for myself too! Cedric made sure I was back on time! I can handle things too! I know dating Ced is risky but it's a risk I'm willing to take. You don't need to baby me all the time!"
"Cedric this. Cedric that. You have responsibilities (Y/N). Diggory can't be the only thing you think about. I get that you love him but you have to stay away from him for a while. (Y/N) I love you and I want to protect you. You're behavior has gotten more reckless. Cedric has to understand that it's to keep you safe. If he really loves you-"
"If he really loves me? What the hell are you saying? Of course he loves me! And I have not been reckless! What do you want me to do?" Terence turned away from you, frustrated. Your anger boiled.
"You have been reckless. Sneaking off at night. Staying out for long hours. (Y/N), what's going to happen if you get caught. You and Cedric will both be punished. And not by just Dumbledore. You need to distance yourself from him." Hell no!
"God! You're acting like my father. I'm not some animal you can boss around. I'm a human being and I can handle myself just fine!" You snapped impatiently.
"Well excuse me for trying to help you out. I don't want you getting hurt. You're a prefect and Quidditch Captain. I suggest you make wiser decisions."
"Are you suggesting I break up with him? Because that's not going to happen! I love him! I really can't believe we're even having this conversation! You know how much he means to me! Why the hell are we even talking about this?" You growled.
"Besides the fact that you were gone all night? Well, if you had been here, you would've known that Adrian was looking for you."
"Why would he be looking for me at midnight? Why was he even up then?" Terence shook his head angrily.
"I don't know. He was fully dressed and he had his broom with him. He said something about Quidditch Practice. I don't know what the hell he was talking about." You gasped and face-palmed. How could you have forgotten? Great. Just great.
"I told Adrian I'd help him spy on the Gryffindors. Oliver devised a new plan where they start practice at midnight. I can't believe I forgot." Terence shook his head.
"I told you. You're being reckless. I'm not saying you need to break up with him. I'm just saying it would do you some good to create a bit of space between yourselves."
You balled your hands into fists. You couldn't have this conversation right now. It was too much for you to deal with. And it would only make you angrier. You turned around and flounced out of the Common Room before Terence had a chance to stop you.
You didn't know why he couldn't leave you alone. Your relationship was your business. You stormed up the stairs to the Great Hall, when someone caught your arm. You whirled around, punching the person in the jaw. Harder than you planned.
"God! (Y/N)! Why'd you do that? What the hell? I just wanted to talk." You lowered your hand, only to see Adrian peering down at you, clutching his face. You gasped.
"Damn it Pucey! You should say something before you go and grab people! I'm sorry! Did I break your jaw?" His fingers grazed his mouth, lightly.
"No. I'll be okay. Where were you last night? We were supposed to go spy on the Gryffindors. Terence was downstairs and I asked him if he'd seen you. But he said he hadn't seen you since you went to bed." You shook your head.
"I'm sorry. I forgot. I was so exhausted from the fam and then my injury that I just..." Adrian laughed, cutting you off. You looked at hi confused. He grabbed your hand and began leading you towards the Great Hall. "It's okay (Y/N/N). I understand. But you've got to make it up to be for making me wait for 2 hours. Promise?" You scoffed.
You cursed under your breath. How could you have forgotten? Adrian grinned as he pushed through the giant doors. "Yeah. Okay. I promise. But it better not be anything really stupid. Or anything that's going to get us expelled." Adrian chuckled.
"No. Nothing like that. I'll have to think about what we're going to do. Give me a few days. I'll think of something eventually. Until then, I'm starving. Let's get some breakfast."

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