Go! Don't Worry About Me!

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               Masked figures emerged from behind flaming tents, green light bursting from the ends of their wands. You gasped as the masked men came closer and closer. You tucked your new uniform, the contract, and the photograph into your robes as Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory exchanged nervous glances before nodding to each other in agreement. Cedric's arm wound itself around you as the two men turned toward you.
               "Okay! Here's how it's going to work! Cedric, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Amos, and I are going to help the Ministry! Fred and George, you take (Y/N), Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron! Run into the forest and find a safe place to hide! We'll find you after all this chaos is over!" Arthur shouted as you stared at him in utter disbelief.
               "No! I won't leave him!" You shouted as you grabbed Cedric's arm tightly. Cedric stared down at you and sighed. He removed your hands from his arms and grasped your face in his palms.
               "Do what Mr. Weasley said, baby! Go with Fred and George!" Cedric insisted as you shook your head rapidly.
               "No! I won't leave you! I can't lose you Cedric!" You shouted over the sound of the raging fire behind you. Your boyfriend shook his head again.
               "Please, my love! Don't make this any harder than it already is! I just want you to be safe! I have to do this!" Cedric pleaded. He smashed his lips into yours as he carefully intertwined your fingers with Fred's. Your boyfriend pulled back and as if on cue, Fred began to pull you away towards the forest, making you scream.
               "Cedric! No! Put me down! Cedric! No!" You shrieked as Fred continued to drag you away towards the forest. Cedric shook his head as tears streamed down his face. You dug your heels into the ground, trying to stop Fred from dragging you further and further away from your Cedric.
               "Go! Don't worry about me! I'm so sorry!" Cedric yelled as he blew you a kiss and took off running towards the masked men. You screamed again, wanting to run after him but Fred held his ground.
               "Please (Y/N/N)! He doesn't want you to go after him! The best thing you can do for him now is to go with us and stay safe!" George insisted. You bit your lip but nodded. George grabbed Ginny's hand as the Golden Trio followed you into the forest.
               You ran through the dark forest, stumbling over roots and branches as you ran after Fred and George. Your breathing became ragged as you ran faster and faster. Just when you thought you couldn't run anymore you reached a clearing in the trees.
               "We should be safe here! There's no one around here and we'll be able to hear if anyone comes anyway!" Harry choked out as he breathed heavily.
               "Yeah, we should rest before we go on," Ronald agreed as you all sank to the ground. You bit your lip as your collapsed onto the dewy grass.
               You stared into the darkness as you noticed Harry staring at you. A sudden amount of guilt penetrated your conscious as you thought about what your boyfriend had done to him last year.
               "Harry, I wanted to apologize for what happened last year. I overreacted and I didn't know that Cedric was going to-"
               "(Y/N)! Really! It's okay! I kind of sprung that on you and it was wrong of me to do so! As for what Cedric did I can't say that we'll be friends anytime soon but I don't dislike him," Harry reassured you as you nodded carefully.
               "Did you hear that?" Hermione asked suddenly as you strained to hear. Fred and George exchanged nervous glances as you strained to hear. The sound of soft footsteps crunched across the leaves as someone began walking toward you.
               "Who's there?" Harry called into the darkness as you all stood and looked around. There was no response as the footsteps continued to get closer.
               "Morsmordre!" A deep voice shouted as it pierced the night air. A green light emitted from deep inside the trees. You looked up as a emerald green constellation formed in the sky. You gasped and staggered backwards.
              "We have to go!" You and Hermione shouted as your group ran back into the clearing. You heard more screams as you began to run faster. Suddenly in a flurry of blinding lights you were surrounded, with about tewnty wands pointed right at you.
              You all ducked as the wizards around you fired spells into the air, that ricochted off the large tree trunks and through the night air. You held your breath to keep from crying. What the hell was happening?!
             "Stop! Those are my children!" A man's voice screamed as the firing ended. You looked up to see Arthur Weasley walking towards you but a man intercepted his path.
               "Which one of you did it? Which one of you conjured the Dark Mark?" The man shouted as he pointed his wand at each of you. You staggered backwards, shaking your head in complete shock.
             "We didn't do anything!" Fred and George shouted as they stared at the man, who now had a crazed and delusional look in his bulging eyes.
              "Of course you didn't! Don't lie to me! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime! Now tell me which-"
              "(Y/N)? Baby! Oh My God! Baby girl! Oh My God!" A familiar voice shouted as a tall boy with taffy curls pushed through the crowd of wizards to get to you.
               You threw yourself into Cedric's open arms as he hugged you to him. You pulled back and looked up at him through the eerie green light. There were cuts and bruises all over his face. You gasped as your fingers gently ran over his injuries, making him flinch. You were suddenly ripped out of your boyfriend's embrace as you felt a wand being pointed at your throat. Cedric screamed uncontrollably as Barty Crouch held you at wand-point. You stared at him fearfully.
"Get your filthy hands off of her! Don't touch her! Let her go!" Cedric screamed as he struggled to get to you but Amos Diggory held him back.
               "You! You were the one who conjured the Dark Mark!" The man shouted again as he directed his wand at your face. Arthur ripped you out of Crouch's grasp and set you back in your boyfriend's grasp. Cedric sneered as he pushed you behind him to keep you out of harms way. Both Arthur Weasley and Amos Diggory stepped forward.
               "How dare you! How dare you accuse her of such outlandish behaviour Barty! Don't you know who that is! (Y/N) Middlebrook! You really think William Middlebrook, Cornelious Fudge's right-hand man, daughter is going to conjure the Dark Mark?" Arthur shouted in disbelief.
               "William Middlebrook was sent to Azkaban for killing his own wife!" Barty shot back as you winced.
               "Exactly! A young girl who has been through so much trauma wouldn't go out of her way to cause more chaos! Besides! They're just kids! They wouldn't know how to conjure it!" Amos Diggory countered. As the men continued to argue, Cedirc pulled you to the side, holding you closely. You leaned into him, savoring his touch.
               "I was so worried about you! But I'm glad you're safe! Even if that sum bag almost killed you! I'm so sorry! I won't let him near you again!" Cedric whispered as he kissed you passionately. You pulled back and continued to examine his face.
               "What happened?" You asked as your fingers moved across his cheek bones. He shook his head as he let out a sigh of exasperation.
               "I was barely missed by a few spells. Nothing major. But the most important thing is that we're all safe and we can go home together," Cedric replied as he kissed you again, holding you tightly.
               "I don't know if that's entirely true," You whispered as you sent another fearful glance up at the shimmering mark of Lord Voldemort.

Keep Your Promises (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang