Cedric! I Thought You Loved Me!

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Cedric dragged you back up to his room and discarded the now empty picnic basket onto the floor. He shut the door and pulled you into the center of the room, leaving the lights off. You smirked as he set his hands on your waist. He grinned back at you mischievously.
               "Lay down! Now!" He whispered in a low growl as he pushed you towards his bed. You stifled a laugh as you let him push you onto his mattress.
               He towered above you smirking as he crawled on top of you. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed the collar of his button down and pulled him closer. He growled as he pressed your chests together. You smiled as you dragged your tongue over his lower lip making him to shiver with pleasure.
               His lips were slammed into your own as one of his arms wound itself around your waist and the other grabbed your waist tightly. You kissed him back as your fingers played with the buttons on his shirt. You began to undo each one of them as his lips moved against is in sync. He did his best to help you while trying to keep his lips firmly fitted against your own.
               You finally pushed the last button free and began to slide his shirt down the muscles in his strong arms. He shrugged his shoulders trying to get the fabric to slide off his back as he began to kiss you harder and more passionately. You reached for the buckle on his belt but he quickly pulled back and put a hand up to stop you.
               "Baby, what are you doing?" Cedric asked in a would-be casual tone but you could practically hear the fear in his voice. You sighed and laid your head back.
               "I'm sorry! I stepped over the line! I shouldn't have gone that far! I'm sorry," you replied as you began to sit up, ashamed. He bit his lip, thinking. Cedric shook his head and pushed you back down gently. He sighed as he laid his lips over your own and guided your hands back to his belt.
                You nodded and began to unhook it as he inhaled sharply. You slid the belt from around the waistband of his pants. He sighed as pulled off his khakis and tossed them onto the floor. He turned back to you and kissed you softly and more passionately.
               Pushing him back, you sat up, and moved his hands over them hem of your shirt. He stared at you as you planted a reassuring kiss onto his lips. He inhaled sharply but nodded nervously. You smiled timidly and helped him lift the thin silk over your head, revealing the black bra you had on underneath. You felt the urge to cover yourself but he set a hand on your ribcage, stopping you, as if he knew what you were thinking.
               Cedric's face fell slack as he stared down at you. Even in the dark his eyes were shining with love brighter than the moon. You blushed and averted your eyes. "Why are you staring at me like that? Ced, you know that I hate it when you when you look at me like that! Please don't!"
               "How can I not? Especially now! You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on! I love you and I've always loved you but the fact that you're letting me see your vulnerability changes everything! I love you (Y/N) Grace Middlebrook!"
               "I love you too Cedric James Diggory!" You whispered as Cedric smiled and climbed back on top of you. His lips collided with yours with more passion than before.
               Your hands rested on his outer thighs as he kissed you harder. The fabric of his boxers moved under your palms as he fingered your bra straps. He pressed his lips down harder as you groaned his name in pleasure. He grinned, pleased with himself.
               He tilted your head back as he began to kiss your neck greedily. Your breath caught in your throat as he began to lick a few of your burns. His lips sucked at a sensitive spot as you shivered causing him to smirk.
               His lips moved back to yours as his arm wrapped itself around you again. You wound your legs around his and pulled down so that he was practically laying on top of you. His hands ran up and down your sides and you gripped his thighs tightly to keep yourself from shaking. His tongue played over your lips begging for you to open your mouth. You were just about to oblige to his desire when a knock on the door stopped you.
               You froze but Cedric's lips kept moving over your own. You slid your thumb between your both of you lips, stopping the kiss. He planted a soft peck on your thumb and leaned down to whisper quietly in your ear.
               "Don't stop! If we don't answer it they'll go away! Just focus on me, baby!" Cedric growled as he nudged your thumb out of the way. You nodded and pressed your lips back against his as his hands began to explore your body. You could taste his love.
               The hallway fell quiet and your kisses began to pick up speed again. Cedric's tongue once again slipped over your lips and this time you opened your mouth. He pushed his tongue into your mouth as you began to kiss harder and harder.
               You plunged your hands into his curls as his hands continued to memorize every curve on your body. He moaned your name as you continued to kiss.
               But suddenly a light blinded you as the torches caught fire and illuminated Cedric's room with a blinding light. You squinted against it as Cedric peeled himself off of you and shielded his eyes to see what had happened.
                You sat up and placed a hand on your boyfriend's bare chest to steady yourself. You looked up at him only to find his mouth hanging open in shock. You bit your lip but followed his gaze to the doorway and your anger began to surge.
               Standing in the doorframe was none other than Cho Chang. Her raven hair was pulled back into a bun and her short dressing gown was rumpled. You glared at her as she stared at the two of you in complete shock. You were not in the mood for this.
               She stepped inside the room and shut the door behind her. Cedric wrapped an arm around you as you immediately tensed. Cho looked at you and frowned.
               "Ced? What's she doing here?" Cho asked sweetly as she batted her eyelashes. You scowled in annoyance as Cedric tightened his grip. What did she call him?!
               "Cho why are you in my room? And especially at 3 AM?" Cedric countered gruffly. His voice rough from your make out session. Cho looked around frantically but her eyes landed on you and her frown only deepened. You were ready to throw a punch.
               "The better question is why is she in your room and why are you practically naked?" Cho exclaimed as she looked over at Cedric in deep longing.
               "Look Cho, you're in no place to be asking questions! Please get out of my room! I was really enjoying my alone time with my girlfriend!" Cedric replied coldly.
               "You're what?! Cedric! I thought you loved me! Why are you with this scum bag! She's a Slytherin and all her friends are guys! Doesn't that bother you! Besides look at her! She's hideous and of all the girls you could have to make out with in the middle of the night you chose the meanest girl in the school?!" Cho screeched.
               That was it. You lunged forward but Cedric caught you in his arms before your fist could collide with Cho's jawline. He set you back on the mattress and kissed you passionately. He sent you a warning look and turned back to Cho.
               "Get the hell out of my room, Chang! And I swear if you ever insult my baby again, I will make you regret it for the rest of your miserable life!" Cedric spat as Cho ran out of the room in tears. Serves. Her. Right.

Keep Your Promises (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora