Its Your Choice, Ms. Middlebrook!

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             "Sherbet Lemon," you whispered as a staircase began to appear in front of you. You stepped cautiously onto one of the marble steps and let yourself be carried up the moving stairs toward Dumbledore's office. You sighed, nervously. What was this about?
               The stairs came to an abrupt halt in front of a large wooden door. Before you could knock the door swung itself open and you were greeted by Dumbledore himself. He smiled down at you but all you could manage to give him was a nervous glance.
               He chuckled as he ushered you inside his office. He gestured to a seat on the other side of his desk and you sat down timidly. You hoped you weren't in trouble. That would only give your father another reason to beat you. Dumbledore released another light chuckle.
              "I would encourage you to relax Ms. Middlebrook. You're not hear because you're in trouble or because you're going to be punished. I wanted to speak to you about your plans for the Summer Holiday. As you know, term officially ends in 2 weeks, despite tonight's celebration. I feel the need to inform you that I received word from your brother, Matthew that you do not wish to return home this Holiday. He has requested the same." You averted your eyes. Why did Matt ask Dumbledore to do something? This could cause a million problems. A million and one.
               "It's very crucial that I ask you why you do not wish to return to your family. Your brother wouldn't tell me, but I need to understand. You have my word that I will not breathe the truth to another living sole if you confide in me," Dumbledore added gently, his blue eyes sparkling.
               You sighed and removed your bath robe, revealing the cotton t-shirt you wore underneath. The bruises and scars that covered your arms and neck were now plainly visible in the firelight. Dumbledore sucked in a weighted breath. He peered over his spectacles, taking a closer look. His eyes clouded with deep concern as you inhaled sharply.
               "Your father inflicted this pain upon you? Does this happen often? How long have you been hiding this? Who knows?" Dumbledore asked, cautiously.
               "Yes. He beats us quite often. He's been doing it as long as I can remember. There's not a time in my life that I can remember him not inflicting as much pain on us as possible. I've been to scared to tell anyone. He's threatened Matt and I that if we told he'd hurt our mother. I can't even imagine all the pain he'd inflict upon us as well as her if he knew that I told. I've tried to keep it as much of a secret as possible. Only 2 of my close friends know about this."
               Dumbledore rubbed his beard, lost in deep thought. You wrung your hands in your lap, biting your lip fearfully. Dumbledore peered over his half moon spectacles at you and your breath got caught in your throat. "You've told Mr. Diggory about this, correct?"
               Your mouth fell open in pure shock. Dumbledore smiled at you as you struggled to find words. "How...I...What...I...It's just...How...I...How did...What..."
               "Ms. Middlebrook, I have eyes all over this school. And while I might not know what you discuss. I do know you both sneak out in the middle of the night. And before you panic, I will keep this to myself. No one has to know about this. I will not punish you but I have to ask why you chose to meet in secret in the middle of the night?" You sighed heavily. Should you tell him?
               "I don't want my father to know that I'm in a relationship. He wouldn't approve of that anyway, and to make matters worse Ced is a Hufflepuff. My father has made it extremely clear that I am not to associate myself with members of other houses." Dumbledore nodded solemnly, as you nailed your lip harder. What did you just reveal to him?
               "I see. That is a very important reason. I will permit you to continue these midnight rendezvous but you must be careful not to get caught. I understand that you will most likely tell Mr. Diggory about this discussion and I must caution you both, not to get too caught up in the bindings of young love. And lastly I need to know what you want to do over the Summer Holiday? You have 3 choices, we can either report your father to the Ministry, we can find you another place to stay over the Holidays, I will provide you with a note, or you can return home and endure the pain you are forced to go through. It's your choice, Ms. Middlebrook."
               You fidgeted nervously. You didn't want to return home. You didn't think you could. You didn't think you'd be able to survive another Holiday with your father. But at the same time how could you leave? Wouldn't he find out? Wouldn't he assume that you told? Would he be angry if you left? What would happen to your mother? What would happen to Matt? You sighed nervously. You couldn't report your father to the ministry. It was your word against his. Sure, you had your brother to back you up. And you had the scars and bruises. But your father was the Minister's right hand man. Fudge would have a hard time believing his right hand man was abusive. This was too big of a decision for you to make on your own. You didn't know what to do. Dumbledore peered down at you with a look of deep understanding.
               "Would you like to speak to Mr. Diggory about this? I'd imagine that his opinion is very important to you. Maybe he'd be able to provide some clarity?" You nodded. You needed Ced. Your boyfriend always knew what to do in pressure-filled situations. Dumbledore smiled again. "Very well. I will send Professor Sprout to collect Mr. Diggroy. Would you be comfortable speaking here? I will leave the room, but my office might be a safer place to have this conversation rather than out in the open. Yes?" You nodded again.
               Dumbledore left to find Professor Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff House, leaving you with your overwhelming thoughts. You fidgeted with your hands nervously, waiting for Dumbledore to return with your boyfriend. This was going to be a long night. Your Headmaster's words kept echoing in your head. It's your choice, Ms. Middlebrook.

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