Forever And Always? What A Joke!

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You didn't know where to go, but you sore as hell weren't going back to the Slytherin Common Room. Not now. You ran. Forgetting any thoughts you had racing through your head and just let your legal carry you far away. You rushed through the massive doors. The cold air hit you hard but you ignored it. You ran until you couldn't run any more. You ran until you collapsed on the bank of the Black Lake.
You sank to the ground. You had lost all self control. You rocked yourself back and forth and screamed. It pierced the silent night, but it didn't matter. No one could hear you out here. No one would listen because no one cared. You were vicious. You were vile. And more people probably hated you than you knew. That's what he had said wasn't it? You couldn't do it anymore. Love was a waste of time. You were done.
The tears poured from your eyes faster and more violently than ever before. You had given him your heart. You has trusted him. And he'd cheated on you. Love was a weakness. Love wasn't real. And you had no room for it. Not if it was going to end like this. You were stupid to believe you had a chance. There was no hope left. None at all. Not this time.
Cedric Diggory was nothing more than an arrogant boy, who had no regard for anyone else's feelings. You couldn't believe you had trusted him. You can't believe you had let yourself fall in love. Were you that desperate? You needed someone to love you because what they said wasn't a lie. Your own father hated you more than anyone could ever hate you. You were so desperate that you let yourself fall for someone who never really cared.
You released another ear-splitting shriek as you cried. How could he? This was all your fault. You should have never perused him. He was never yours. He didn't want you. He didn't love you. It was all a figment of your imagination. And now, thanks to him, you had lost all hope. Love wasn't real. Love wasn't something you wanted.
"I didn't cheat on you! I swear! I would never do anything to hurt you like that! I love you! You and only you! My Baby Girl! You and me against the world! Just us!" His voice rang out in the silent night. You didn't need to turn around to know he was crying. You didn't need to turn around to know who was standing behind you. You didn't want to know.
You leapt to your feet, pulling out your wand. You turned to face him, wand trained directly in front of his face. "Do you expect me to believe any of this crap! Hell, just you and me, huh? Yeah! You, me and Hannah! Where is she? Or did you forget to invite her to this party? Probably! As a matter of fact, why are you here? I wouldn't want to steal Hannah's boyfriend, since you are hers after all!" Tears turned his cheeks bright red. He reached for you, but you pulled back. How could he?
"I didn't know you were standing there (Y/N/N). Baby! Please? Forgive me? I need you!" His voice was cracking but you didn't care. Not anymore.
"I used to believe I was your baby. But I was wrong. Just go ask Hannah, why don't you? And why would it have mattered if I was there or not? You still said all of those things! The only difference it would have made was I wouldn't have known that you were a 2 timing douche bag! God! I can't believe I was so vulnerable! I can't believe I trusted you! But you're right! I am vicious! I am vile! And I'm sure more people hate me than I know! I don't doubt that for a minute! And yeah! My family does hate me! But guess what? It's not a frickin' secret! I don't tell you everything! There are things I hide! Believe it or not? There are things I don't even want you to know! But I don't care anymore! I don't care!"
You pulled off your robes. All you had on underneath was the thin white shirt every girl was required to wear. You unbuttoned the first 3 holes, just enough to show your neck and collarbone. Cedric watched, speechless. Your neck was covered in a mix of bruises and scars and burns. Scars and burns. You folded down the collar, revealing the scars surrounded your entire neck and disappeared below your shirt. Cedric gasped.
"Knives. Whips. Fire. Sometimes his wand. What does it matter though? No one cares!Why would they?! Why would anyone care about the countless times my father has tried to kill me?! Why would they care that he's tried to strangle the life out of me? Why would they care that he's dragged a blade across my throat just to see what would happen? Why would they care that he balanced a flame on my bare skin to see how long I could last?! Why would anyone ever care about the hell I go through! Why would anyone ever want me! Why?! I hate this! It hurts and I go through it alone! But no one understands that! They just see the part of me that will rip you to shreds! They see the part of me they want to see! They see a girl they can hate! Not love! Never love!"
"(Y/N/N)! Baby! I didn't mean any of the things I said! Hannah means nothing to me! You're the only one I want! Forever and always. Remember? Please! Baby girl! Please forgive me! I need you! I want you! You and only you! I love you!"
"Forever and always? What a joke! I used to believe every word that came out of your mouth. That was until you gave another girl the promises you said were ours. That was until you cheated on me! You can't undo what you've done! How many times are you going to beg for my forgiveness? How many times before you finally learn? I'm not going to sit around and wait for you for the rest of my life. You promise me so many things but you never no how to follow through with them."
"(Y/N)! Please don't do this to me! Please don't do what I think you're going to do! Please! I love you, baby! Please (Y/N)! I love you!" You sighed and brushed past him. How much longer could you keep doing this?
"I don't believe you! Love is weakness! Love is a lie! Prove to me that you love me! I'm done with empty promises and empty words. And until then, we're done!"

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