Did We Win?

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               You could feel the crowds energy as your broom soared into the air. Your team flew laps around the stadium to show of their new brooms. You met the Gryffindors in the middle of the pitch. Your entire body was buzzing with anticipation. You glanced over at the Hufflepuff stands, expecting to see your boyfriend cheering you on. Instead he was looking at Hannah. She was once again latched onto his arm, staring at him adoringly. Your blood started to boil. But instead of smiling, a deep frown was plastered on Cedric's face as he attempted to pry her off of him. You smirked. He was yours. And no one else's.
               The whistle blew as the game began. Before anyone had a chance to process what was happening, you grabbed the Quaffle and soared towards the Gryffindor posts. Lee spoke quickly, almost out of breath, trying to keep his commentary in time with your plays. "(Y/N) Middlebrook, captain of the Slytherin Team has captured the Quaffle. She soars toward the other end of the pitch. Oliver Wood moves to block the shot. He misses and Middlebrook scores! Ten points to Slytherin." You smiled as you rushed to catch the falling Quaffle.
Your team was winning. But that was to be expected. The Slytherins in the stands were shouting louder than you ever knew they could. You were just about to make another dive for the Quaffle when a Bludger soared past your head, almost knocking you off your broom. You swerved to one side. The Bludger was headed straight for Harry Potter. You sighed. Why was it that someone was always trying to kill him during Quidditch games?
              Harry raced toward you, trying to escape the Bludger. But to your surprise the Bludger swiveled around and followed him. You were too shocked to notice that the rouge ball was going to intercept your path. The entire crowd held their breath. Before you could react the Bludger came crashing into your broom. The broom snapped and you screamed as you plummeted towards the ground. The crowd gasped and you swore you could hear Cedric screaming your name. On the way down, your head collided with something hard. Your vision was enveloped with a flurry of black spots. You had lost all ability to think clearly as you fell faster and faster. You watched as a speeding rush of Emerald Green raced toward you but you lost consciousness before you could see what happened. Everything went black.
                                                                                        -Time Skip-

               You woke up laying in the infirmary. There was a dull ache in your head but nothing you wouldn't be able to survive. Terence was perched on the chair next to you. He jumped up when he realized your eyes were open. You smirked but all you could think about was the game. You'd missed most of the game. "Did we win? Please tell me we won!"
               Terence's expression fell as he shook his head. You growled in response. If you had been there the Gryffindors would not have won. There was no way. "I'm sorry (Y/N/N)! We tried our best but Potter caught the Snitch. Draco was here earlier after his broom gotten taken out but he left. Eventually."
              You pushed yourself into a sitting position, rubbing your head as you did. Terence but a hand on your arm, steadying you. You looked around but all the curtains were drawn. The only other person in the room was, none other than Harry Potter himself. You scowled. He was out cold and the Gryffindors had still managed to win. Unbelievable. "What time is it? How long was I out? Is it still Tuesday?" Terence smirked.
               "Yeah. It's still Tuesday. You were only out for maybe 4 hours." He looked down at his wrist, checking the time. "It's about 6 o'clock. Dinner's just starting if you feel well enough to go and get some. A certain Hufflepuff will be relieved to know you're okay. He screamed quite loudly when you fell. I bet he had a hell of a time thinking up an excuse for that one. That one blonde girl sitting next to him sure was shocked when he started screaming your name. I don't think too many other people heard. He regained his composure after I caught you. I'm sure he had to wipe some memories to get out of the bind he got himself into. But he was still insanely worried about you. Too much for his own good if you ask me." You scowled.
               "Shut up you git! He's my boyfriend. He was worried about me and you can't blame him. If anything you're being a hypocrite. You must've been worried or you wouldn't be sitting here." Terence snickered.
               "Touché (Y/N/N)! Touché! But yeah I know you're his baby and whatever but he's going to blow any chances you two have at a relationship if he doesn't stop this reckless behavior. He wanted to come see you but I kept him out. This place was swarming with Slytherins. A lot of the team has some nasty bruises from that Bludger."
               You nodded as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. Terence moved out of your way as you shifted to stand. When you got to your feet, he held onto your arm, making sure you wouldn't fall. "What was with that Bludger? It seemed like someone had tampered with it! Bad."
               Terence shrugged as he shook his head. "I have no idea what happened to it. But whoever messed with it must've wanted our team to win because that thing had a set course for that Potter kid. For the boy who lived, he sure does have a lot of near death experiences. Too many for it to be normal. What am I saying? One near death experience isn't normal let alone 5 or 6! Someone's really got it out for the poor sap! I almost feel bad for him."
               You laughed despite yourself. Terence signed you out before Madam Pomfrey even noticed you were missing. As you made your way to the great hall your anger rose and fell thinking about the Quidditch game. You were mad at yourself for not being there to help your team win! You couldn't believe the Gryffindors had won again. You couldn't wait for the next game. Because the next team wouldn't be so lucky. Next time you were going to win.

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