I Love You! Forever And Always!

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               You took Cedric's hand and let him lead you off the stage as the music started up again. He beamed down at you as he kissed your cheek. You leaned into him as you stared down at the shining ring on your finger. Cedric laughed as he followed your gaze.
               "It looks much better on your finger than it ever did in that box! And to think I've had that ring under out pillows since July!" Cedric laughed as you stared at him in shock. You opened your mouth to respond but were once again cut off.
               "Diggory! What the hell?! You go and ditch our baby sister for some murderous psychopath and then you propose to her not even twenty four hours later?" Adrian shouted as he and Terence marched over to you in an angry rage. Cedric sighed and shook his head ashamed by what he had done.
               "I know! I owe you all an explanation! I really did want to go to the ball with you, (Y/N/N)! But I couldn't ask you because I knew I'd give away the surprise! Asking Cho was wrong of me because it broke your heart but I didn't know what other options I had! I'm so sorry!" Cedric replied as he averted his eyes in shame. You shook your head sadly but kissed his cheek softly, making him sigh.
               "You're right! It was wrong of you to ask that bitch but in a way, I guess I can understand why you did it," You sighed as Cedric shot you a weak smile and wrapped his arms around you.
               "That's probably the stupidest thing you could've done Pretty-Boy but it must've worked for you because regardless of how much of a git you are, you still managed to get her back! And convinced her to marry you?You're quite the charmer, aren't you Diggory? I want to know how you do it?" Terence huffed as he stared at the two of you in disbelief, making you smile.
               "Yeah, we're happy for you, but don't pull any more stupid stunts like that again! We were ready to kill you! Now, go enjoy the rest of your evening kids!" Adrian replied as he and Terence made their way back out to the dance floor. Cedric smiled as you laughed lightly. He wrapped his arms around you and leaned down to kiss you before a high pitched voice caused him to look up in surprise.
                "Cedric! I can't believe you! How could you do this to me?! You used me!" Cho wailed as she stormed up to you angrily. Cedric stepped in front of you as he stared down at Cho in disappointment.
               "I'm really sorry that I took advantage of you but you should've known that we never would've ended up together! Not even if we were the last two people on Earth!" Cedric replied as he grabbed your hand and walked away. You let out another laugh as Cedric grinned. Cedric stopped on the outskirts of the dance floor as he dropped into a small bow and held out his hand, making you smile shyly, as a blush rose to your cheeks.
                "May I have this dance?" Cedric asked as you placed your small hand in his own. He smiled and pulled you to him as he set a gentle hand on your waist. Your palm moved to his shoulder as he began to lead you into an elegant waltz.
                You smiled up at him but stayed silent as you waltzed across the dance floor. When the music came to an end, Cedric leaned down and kissed you softly, just as Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape walked up to the two of you.
               Professor McGonagall had tears streaming down her face as she wrapped you in a hug. You hugged her back as she smiled down at you beaming with pride.
               "We wanted to congratulate the two of you! As your Professors, we have watched the two of you grow up over the past seven years right before our eyes and we couldn't be more proud of the way you both turned out! Somehow, we always knew you'd end up together! The first time I ever remember seeing the two of you together was when you were just tiny first years and Mr. Diggory was carrying Ms. Middlebrook on his back across the courtyard! Think about that for a moment! Look how far you've both come since that moment! Now you're standing in front of us, all grown up, and ready to get married!" Dumbledore exclaimed.
               "Even in class it wasn't hard to see that the two of you had something special! We watched your friendship blossom into an intimate relationship over the past few years and it was the most beautiful thing to watch! I'm sure you don't know all the details of what went on when you went missing last year Ms. Middlebrook but it just touched my heart! Your boyfriend...er...fiancé was so worried! His passion and his love for you is what kept hope alive during that time! He wouldn't eat or sleep himself but he made sure that he did everything to find you! The two of you are absolutely perfect for one another and it makes me so proud to say that I experienced probably one of the greatest love stories in existence! I'm so happy for the two of you and we all wish you absolute best!" Professor McGonagall choked out through all her tears.
"Thank you Professors! We honestly can't thank you enough! Especially you, Headmaster! You've been so supportive our relationship and bent so many rule just to let us be together when we needed each other! You have all done so much for us and we honestly everyone of you so much more than we can express! Without you, we certainly wouldn't be where we are today! And we'll make sure that you receive an invitation to the wedding if you would like," You replied as all three of your Professors enveloped you into a hug. And each in turn shook Cedric's hand.
"We love you too! And before I forget, I need to see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Middlebrook, we have something to discuss! Come to my office around 9 AM tomorrow. The door should be open!" McGonagall replied brightly as you nodded.
As your Professors walked away Cedric pulled you into his arms and held you to him. You stared up at him and smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and fingered his curls carefully. He sighed as he planted another kiss on your lips.
"God! How did I get so lucky? I managed to get the most amazing woman in the entire world to marry me! I love you! Forever and Always!"

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