Yes! A Thousand Times Yes!

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"Oh My God (Y/N/N)! You look amazing! Boy, Diggory's gonna be jealous beyond imaginable tonight!" Adrian shouted as Terence helped zip up the back of your dress. You smiled shyly and averted your eyes as Terence kissed your cheek.
"Davies sure got lucky when he asked you to the ball! I can't believe that asshole blew you off to go with Chang! If I had known he was going to go and do that, I would've asked you to go with me!" Terence replied earnestly as he turned the full length mirror around for you to look at yourself.
"That's okay, Terence, I want to go with Hunter. And besides, if I went with you, he wouldn't be half as jealous," You smirked as you adjusted the skirt of your dress. You took a small step back and admired the beauty of your entire ensemble.
Your sleeveless blue chiffon dress fell to your ankles and your silver heels gave you about a two inch boost. You smiled as you fingered your (H/C) hair, which was pinned up into an elegant bun. The silver makeup made your face glow with radiance as you smoothed down the creases in your dress.
"If Diggory gives you any trouble, just let us know and we'll take care of him!" Adrian growled as he straightened out his dress robes. You smiled and nodded.
               You said goodbye to your brothers and made your way down to the Great Hall. You inhaled sharply before walking down the entrance steps into the Hall. You held your head high as you stopped on the stairs, scanning the crowds for Hunter. Suddenly you heard a stunned gasp and the sound of someone calling your name.
"(Y/N)! Oh My God!" Hunter shouted as he pushed his way towards you. Every head turned to look at you and practically everyone's mouth fell agape with shock. You smiled shyly and averted your eyes. Hunter offered you his hand as he helped you down the stairs. You held on to him tightly in an effort to keep from tumbling down the stairs.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life! I know that I've told you that before but now I'm even more sure of what I already know! I must be the luckiest guy in this whole damn school! Don't look now but you've caught the eye of one particular Hufflepuff!" Hunter whispered.
Your breath hitched as you looked out of the corner of our eye and to your right, only to find Cedric staring directly at you, his mouth hanging open in shock. You felt a surge of anger course through you as Cho wrapped her arms around Cedric. You shook your head, holding on to Hunter more tightly. How could he have chosen her over his own girlfriend? How could he?
               You shook your head in an effort to get him out of your head as you entered the Great Hall with Hunter. You smiled as the music began to play but your smile quickly faded as the four Champions entered the Hall, each smiling brightly.
You turned away as the Champions began to dance with their dates, waltzing elegantly across the dance floor. Cedric smiled down at Cho as Hunter wrapped his arms around your waist and held you to him, gently rocking you back and forth.
The music changed as everyone else moved on to the large dance floor. Hunter grabbed your hand and began to lead you across the Great Hall as you began to waltz. You smiled as you spun along with the beat of the music. Before you knew what was happening the music was grew more distant as you began to lean in slowly.
Hunter's lips touched your gently as he planted a soft kiss on your lips. You stumbled backwards in shock as you hurried to cover your mouth. Hunter looked away, suddenly ashamed by what he had done. You shook your head rapidly and opened your mouth to say something but before you had the chance Professor McGonagall walked up onto the large stage in the front of the Great Hall and began to speak loudly.
"Before we continue with out magical evening I would like to say a few words! First of all, I would like to thank our students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang for joining us in this competition of a lifetime! And now, if you'd please, your Head Boy, Mr. Cedric Diggory has a few things he would like to say," Professor McGonagall beamed.
               Every head turned towards the stage, including your own, as a tall boy walked on to the stage. Cedric took a deep breath before he began his speech.
"Thank you, Professor McGonagall! I hope you are all enjoying your evening and I'm sorry to interrupt but I have an extremely important announcement to make! You see, over the past seven years, I have fallen in love with the most amazing, intelligent, beautiful, young woman to ever walk this Earth. And unfortunately, we have had to keep our relationship a secret out of the constant fear of would it be excepted or not! And I hated it! I hated hiding my love for her! I just wanted the whole world to know that she was the one for me! Truth be told, I'm a terrible boyfriend! Ex-Boyfriend actually! She broke up with me yesterday! And I don't blame her for doing so! I have broken her heart more times than I can count and yet she has always taken me back with open arms! She's everything to me! And I want her to know that I'm drowning without her! I want her to know that she was the best thing to ever happen to me! But I also want her to know that I'm done hiding my love for her! Everyone in this room deserves to know how much I love her and how much she means to me! (Y/N)! Baby! If you really love me please come up here and tell me!" Cedric shouted as you stared at him in shock.
Everyone in the room turned to stare at you but your eyes were only on him. Hunter held your hand tightly but you pulled out of his grasp and began to walk toward the stage slowly. The crowd parted as you let your legs carry you towards him. He smiled at you as you made your way up to the stage.
He offered you his hand as you stared at him timidly. He took your fingers and intertwined them with his own.
"I still love you, Ced! And I always will! I'm so sorry!" You whispered as Cedric enveloped you in a tight hug.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! (Y/N) Middlebrook is the love of my life and I wouldn't be who I am without her! You may know her as your Head Girl or your Slytherin Queen but I know her as the woman who makes my life worth living! For four years I've been able to call her my girlfriend but today I want to change that! (Y/N)! I love you! You've known that for years! But it's so much more than just love! You are my entire life! I don't want to know what it's like to live without a single day without you! And I'm sorry that I didn't ask you to the ball! I'm sorry for everything I've done that's ever hurt you! I'm so sorry! But over the past seven years you've made me a better person! You've made me into a man I could've only hoped to be! We've been to hell and back and it's been rough but we've managed to get through it all! Our love has stayed strong through all the shit life has thrown at us! We have something special! The first time I ever laid eyes on you, I knew you'd be special! That day, back on the train, when I had you promise me, that we'd be friends no matter what happened, I had no idea it would lead to this! You make my life more exciting! You make my life better! Happier! Worth living! But I don't want to just be friends for the rest of our lives! I know I've made a lot of terrible mistakes over the years but here I am, begging you for one last chance! I'm just a boy of seventeen asking for your forgiveness! I'm just a boy asking to marry you!" Cedric shouted as he got down on one knee and pulled out a small velvet ring box.
You gasped and staggered backwards as tears began to stream down your cheeks. He opened the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring, you had ever seen. You covered your mouth as you stared down at the diamond ring in utter shock.
"I told you that one day I'd replace that promise ring with an engagement ring! I told you that one day I'd make you my wife!  And here I am, at seventeen years old, keeping that promise! I know we're young but I already know that you're the one for me and you always will be! Forever and always! That's our promise! So, what do you say, baby girl? Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you be my best friend for the rest of our lives? Will you let me love you for an eternity after all of this? Will you be the my Mrs. Diggory? (Y/N) Grace Middlebrook, will you marry me?" Cedric asked as tears of joy began to pour down his handsome face.
By now, the entire Great Hall had gone silent and all eyes were back on you. You inhaled sharply as you buried your face in the palms of your hands. You shook violently as you stared down at your Cedric in disbelief through glassy eyes.
               "YES! OH MY GOD! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! OH MY GOD! CEDRIC! OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! OH MY GOD! YES!" You exclaimed as a sob escaped his lips.
He jumped to his feet as  he ripped the ring out of the box and grasped your shaking hands in his own. He slipped the shining engagement ring onto your left ring finger as he stared at you with more love than you had ever thought possible.
You threw your arms around his neck as his arms wound themselves around your waist and lifted you off the ground. The entire Great Hall erupted into cheers as Cedric set you back down and smashed his lips into your own. You kissed him back passionately as tears of joy slipped down your cheeks. You were finally going to marry the man you had loved for seven years.

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