Oh God, Baby! What Did You Do?!

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               "Why did you say that? Oh (Y/N)! Why? Oh God, baby! What did you do?!" Cedric cried as he raked his hands through his hair in frustration and distress. You shut your eyes and rubbed your temples, trying to calm your nerves. You had just gotten back from the trial an hour ago and of course, Adrian had to tell your boyfriend every single detail. Including what you said.
               "I don't know! I was just so mad! I didn't mean to! It just kind of flew out of my mouth! I didn't think about what I was doing!" You cried as a few tears escaped down your cheeks. But he kept going.
                "Clearly! You're normally so cautious about things you say and do! I can't believe it! Do you know how much trouble this is going to cause?" Cedric huffed angrily as he paced back in forth in front of the fireplace. You stared at him fearfully.
               "You think I don't know what I've done! I don't know why you're so angry! I messed up! I'm the one who's going to have to face all the consequences! Not you!" You sneered as Cedric shot a glare in your direction, making you scowl.
               "Why do I care? Why do I care! Do you even hear yourself! Maybe I care because you're my girlfriend and I love you! Maybe I care because I don't want anything to happen to you! Maybe I care because I want to keep you safe! God! Don't be so stupid (Y/N)! I'm trying to help you! Not me! I don't benefit from this at all! Pull it together! Don't you understand how serious this is! Look what you've done!" He yelled back.
               You shook your head in pure anger and fell to the floor of your room, sobbing. Cedric never yelled at you. Never. Let alone called you names of any sort, aside from the pet names he'd given you. He sighed as he walked over to you, kneeling down cautiously.
               He lifted you into his arms and set you down on the couch next to him. He wrapped his arms around you, his muscles tense with stress. His face was quickly buried in the crook of your neck as you continued to sob.
               "I'm so sorry, baby girl! You know I didn't mean to hurt you! I'm just worried for you! I love you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you! Please don't cry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" He whispered into your ear.
               "You didn't have to yell at me! I know I messed up! And I'm as scared as hell to think what my father's going to do when he find out! The last thing I need is for you to yell at me and tell me how much worse I made the entire situation! I didn't expect to come home and be reprimanded by the person who's comfort I needed the most!" You cried.
               He pulled back, his own eyes filled with tears. He took your hands in his and intertwined your fingers. He looked down at you and shook his head, ashamed. You sucked in a sharp breath as you watched him cry. "You're right! I'm so sorry! I really am! I'm such a terrible boyfriend! I shouldn't have yelled at you! I should've been comforting you! Will you let me make it up to you? Will you let me kiss you? Please, my love?" 
               You nodded as he stood up and led you over to the bed. He pushed you gently against the side of it and looked to you for permission. You stared at him and nodded again. He sighed as he held you to him, still keeping you against the bed. You inhaled sharply as you waited for him to make the first move.
               His lips were slammed into your own at such force that it knocked you back. You fell onto your mattress and he came down on top of you. He spread his body out over you as his kisses became desperate and needy. You sighed as you arched your back upward, pressing your chests together. His hands grabbed your waist, holding you in place. His lips played against yours making you groan. He let his tongue roam over yours with pleasure as his hands held traced over your body, memorizing every muscle and every curve.
               You pushed him backwards onto a pile of pillows. He smirked as you moved to climb on top of him. You straddled his waist as you pulled his shirt off. He obliged, throwing the fabric to the side of the bed. You raked your hands through his hair as his fingers danced near the hem of your own shirt. He looked at you, unsure, but all you could do was stare at him. You didn't know what to do.
               He slipped a hand beneath your shirt and you jumped from the sudden contact. He moved his other hand underneath the thin fabric but he kept them trained on your stomach. You gave him a warning look before you leaned into him again. You set your lips back on top of his as he grunted and nipped at your bottom lip.
               Your hands ran over his bare chest as he pushed you back down, so that he was on top. He looked down at your neck greedily and you nodded. He moved your hair out of the way as his mouth began to trace over the scars and burns on your neck. His tongue slipped between his lips as it met the skin on your throat. You jumped again as he pulled at a small section of skin with his teeth. His arms wrapped around you protectively as his kisses moved back to your lips.
               They became slower and less rough as he held you on his lap, still pressed tightly together. He began to murmur lovingly in your ear as he hugged you to him. You sighed, savoring the moment. "Mmm. I could do this all day. Or all night. But I'm so sorry I wasn't the boyfriend you wanted me to be today. You're the most important thing in the world to me and I was just so worried about what was going to happen. I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you but I'm here now. And I intend to take care of you and love you and make you feel like the princess you are until I take my  very last breath."
               He pressed his lips to yours once again just as the door to your room flew open.

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