Where Is She? Where's My Baby Girl?

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                            Cedric's P.O.V

               "Diggory! Get up! Come on, Diggory! Get up!" I jolted upright, feeling a sharp pain in my ribs. I was still stuck in the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey's orders. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my girl but instead I was met by 4 figures peering down at me anxiously. Terence, Adrian, Fred, and George.  "Diggory! When was the last time you saw (Y/N/N)!" Terence demanded sharply.
               I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, glancing at the clock. It was 2 in the morning! I groaned, shaking my head. "I don't know. Two nights ago. Saturday night. She left around midnight on Sunday to head back to the dungeons and I haven't seen her since. Why?"
               All 4 boys exchanged glances. My heart started to beat faster. What was going on? Where was (Y/N). At least one of us knew where she was, at all times. "She never came back. We've looked every where for her. We thought she might've been with you all weekend so we left you alone, figuring you wanted privacy. But she didn't show up to any of our lessons and she missed Quidditch practice. (Y/N) Middlebrook never misses Quidditch. Never!" Adrian murmured, the panic evident in his voice.
               Today was Tuesday. (Y/N) had been gone for 3 days. She never disappeared like this. Ever. My heart stopped as I scanned each of their faces. They all had looks of pure panic on. I pulled back the sheets and slipped on my boots. We had to do something.
               "Come on! We're going to find Dumbledore! Now!" I rushed towards the doors of the Hospital Wing. Where was my girl? Four sets of footsteps followed me up to Dumbledore's office. We paused in front of the  door as I racked my brain for the password. "Sherbet Lemon!" I shouted in a rush.
               A marble staircase appeared as bounced on the heels of my boots. My head was spinning in a rush of panic. Where was she? Where was my princess? We all took the stairs 2 at a time. The sooner we found (Y/N) the sooner we would be able to rest assured.
               We burst through the doors, only to find Professors Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall staring at us, stunned. Dumbledore stepped forward, his eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Boys? What's going on? Are you alright?"
               "It's (Y/N)! She's missing! She's been gone since Saturday night! We can't find her anywhere! Please Headmaster, you've got to do something," Adrian pleaded.
               "Yes, you see, we've realized that Ms. Middlebrook is missing. And well..." I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to know where my baby was. Now!
               "And? Where is she?! Where's my baby girl?!" I demanded. Terence and Adrian looked at me stunned as Professor Dumbledore turned to face me. He inhaled, nervously.
               "Mr. Diggory, please try and calm yourself. We think we know what happened to Ms. Middlebrook, but we'll need you all to sit down. This may come to as a shock to you all." I collapsed into a chair, unable to breathe.
               "Please, Headmaster. We just want to know what's going on. We just want to find (Y/N)." George said quietly. Professor McGonagall wiped her eyes and even Professor Snape has worry lines etched into his forehead.
               "After we discovered that Ms. Middlebrook did not show up for any of her lessons we began to investigate. The last known place we had seen her was with you, Mr. Diggory. We traced what we thought would've been the path she took back to the dungeons, had she arrived there. What we found could be disturbing," Dumbledore replied, solemnly.
               Professor McGonagall stepped forward, looking directly at me. My heart caught in my throat as I gulped. She blinked, glassy tears rolling down her cheeks. She pulled me into an awkward hug, making me tense. "Do you think you'll be able to identify something of hers if we show it to you, Diggory?" She asked timidly.
               I nodded. My head began swarming with even more worries. What had happened to my girl? Where was she? Professor McGonagall nodded and reached into her robes. She set a small object in my palm, closing my fingers around it. I unwrapped my fingers and let out a strangled cry. They had found (Y/N)'s ring.
               "Does that belong to Ms. Middlebrook? Have you seen her wearing that before?" Professor Snape asked, his voice full of worry and concern.
               "Yes, Sir. She never took it off. I've never seen her without it on. I gave it to her before our 5th year started." I stammered out. Tears were leaking out of my eyes and I could feel the tension of the room. Adrian gasped somewhere behind me.
               "What is it Mr. Pucey? Do you recognize the ring as well?" Professor McGonagall asked. I turned around, just in time to see both Adrian and Terence nodding, vigorously.
               "Yes ma'am. Cedric's right. (Y/N) wore that ring every day. She played with it when she got nervous or when she missed Cedric. She never took it off. Never. Maybe when she showered but other than that, she's never parted with it." Terence added.
               "Oh God Albus! It's worse than we thought! We must find the girl!" Professor McGonagall cried, turning to Professor Dumbledore worriedly.
               "Please! Will someone please tell me what's happened to my baby girl. Please. I need her. I just need to know that she'll be safe. What happened. Please. (Y/N) is everything to me. And I know her. She would never disappear without out an explanation. Please. Something must've happened to her. Just please bring her home. Please." I sobbed. All 3 teachers looked at me with extreme sympathy. Professor Snape set a reassuring hand on my back, surprising everyone. But all I could think about was my (Y/N).
"I promise we're going everything we can to find her, Cedric. But what you need to know is that when we found (Y/N)'s ring we also found this," Professor Dumbledore replied as he pulled out a piece of torn fabric. It was dirty with large stripes.
Adrian stepped forward examining the fabric. He gasped, staggering backwards. "That's fabric from the uniforms the Prisoners of Azkaban wear! My mum helped design those for the Ministry! Wait! You don't mean..." he cried out, trailing off.
"I'm afraid so! Our worst nightmares have come true. Ms. Middlebrook was kidnapped by Sirius Black!"

Keep Your Promises (Cedric Diggory x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें