I Had No Idea! I'm So Sorry!

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Cedric's P.O.V

I rolled over, the only light coming from the silvery moon outside. I reached for my baby girl only to find an empty space. I jolted upright in a flurry of panic. I heard her smirk as I stumbled out of bed. I looked up to find her sitting by the extinguished fire, the moonlight reflecting in her beautiful eyes. I smiled as I walked towards her. She smiled back as she shifted to make room for me. It was three in the morning.
"Mmm, what are you doing up?" I asked as I fell onto the sofa next to her and buried my face in her hair. She smelled like jasmine and white roses. She laughed as she tilted her head backwards to let me kiss her neck. I grinned but didn't press my lips to her throat like I normally would have if it had been any other day.
"Couldn't sleep! I just kept thinking about everything that happened today," she mumbled as my head shot up. I looked at her with deep concern.
"You're still mad that I didn't say anything?" I asked as I stroked her neck lovingly, making her shudder. I smirked as I lowered my lips to her neck.
"No, I was just thinking about everything that happened. I just want it to stop," She replied as she pushed my lips away from her neck and sat up.
"What to stop? Us?" I asked as I leaned back in to kiss her again. She rolled her eyes and pushed my head out of the way. I sighed as a slumped back.
"You know that's not what I meant! I'm just so tired of drama! Can we please make this next term all about us? Please?" She asked as I nodded tiredly.
"Yeah, let's do that! I love you and you know that I'd do anything for you!" I smiled as she finally let me kiss her throat. I planted a soft kiss right above her collarbone before she laughed and stood up again. She smirked at me before she slipped back into bed. It was as of she was teasing me.
"Goodnight Ced," She whispered as I climbed under the covers next to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly as she snuggled into me. She tilted her head back and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I was finally starting to understand what she meant when she said she felt bombs instead of sparks. God! I felt like my head was going to explode. And it was the best feeling ever.

-Time Skip-

"Cedric! Wake Up! There's someone at the door! Cedric!" My baby whispered urgently as she shook me awake. I rubbed my eyes and sat up groggily.
"What? Baby? What's wrong?" I asked as I reached for my girlfriend's waist. I pulled her onto my lap as I leaned in for a good morning kiss but she quickly pushed me away. I frowned deeply.
"Not Now! Seriously! Cedric! There's someone at the door!" (Y/N) repeated as she pulled out of my embrace. I looked at her in complete confusion just as someone knocked on the door again.
"Hello? Cedric? Are you in there? It's your father!" A deep voice called through the door. My entire body froze as my girlfriend looked at me with concern. I sighed as slipped out from beneath the covers of our bed. I planted a soft kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek as she held on to my hand tightly.
"Stay here, I'll take care of him," I whispered as she ran her hand down my bare chest and nodded unsurely. I inhaled sharply as I began to walk towards the door. I sent one last glance at my girlfriend before I wrenched open the door.
The minute the door was flung open I was enveloped in a tight embrace as my father sobbed into my shoulder. I pushed him away as I staggered backwards and scowled at him. My father bit his lip as he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.
His eyes flickered behind me, eyeing my girlfriend suspiciously. I turned around as (Y/N) rushed to cover her chest. I shook my head and faced my father.
"What are you doing here? And how did you find us?" I snapped as I glared at my father and backed up towards the bed slowly. He wasn't going to hurt her!
"Cedric! My son! Please forgive me! I didn't know! I had no idea! I'm so sorry!" My father cried as he tried to reason with me. I shook my head.
"What are you talking about?" I scowled as my father hung his head in defeat. He shook his head sorrowfully as he collapsed onto the sofa. (Y/N) eyed him suspiciously as he began to cry even harder. I stepped toward him as guilt began to creep in.
"I went looking for you and that's when I discovered the writing on the wall! Cedric? What the hell happened? Did Cho do that?" My father asked. I looked at (Y/N) and she nodded.
"We had to leave! She threatened (Y/N)'s life and I wasn't risking that! But it's not like it would've mattered to you! You've been treating her terribly since she's gotten here!" I shouted as I continued to glare at my father. No one insulted my girl.
"I know! And I'm so sorry! I hate myself for the way I've treated both of you! Especially you Ms. Middlebrook! Can you ever forgive me?" My father pleaded. I looked at (Y/N) as she bit her lip in deep consideration. What was she thinking?
"Yes but on one condition! I get that you're worried about your son but I love him! He means the world to me and I can't live without him! I need your word that you'll let us be together no matter what happens!" (Y/N) replied earnestly. I fought the urge to jump with pride. That's my girl!
My father stared at (Y/N) as she held her ground. He sighed exasperatedly but nodded. I smiled as my father dragged himself to his feet and embraced me again. I kissed the relationship we used to have.
"What do you say we all go home and enjoy a nice family dinner?" My father asked as he released me from his tight hold. I shook my head in disbelief.
"We're not going back! I don't want to spend another minute near the Changs!" I shouted as I stepped toward my girlfriend protectively.
"No! Of course not! I would never expect you to do that! I kicked them out after I figured out what Cho did! And it would mean so much to me if you came home! Both of you! Besides! You don't want to miss the World Cup do you?"

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