80: He's a ghost pt.6

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The next morning, I woke up and went outside. (Y/N) had finally found a job at the local bakery in town so she was up before me.
"Esmerelda" I said. The little blue fairy popped out of thin air, "hi Nialler." "Hi. I have some very important news." I said. I looked down, my hands were shaking. "Do tell!" The little blue fairy smiled. "I want to become human." I said. "Oh my gosh! Finally. I'll go tell Ella! She will be so thrilled!" And with a blue 'poof' she disappeared.

I really really like Niall, but what am I supposed to do? I can't date a ghost. We would have no future together. I was driving home from work, it was almost 5 in the afternoon and I needed to get home to get my gym clothes, I was going out with one of my coworkers. I unlocked the front door. Niall was in the kitchen. "Hey." I smiled. He turned around, "hey." "I'm going out with a coworker tonight, so I'll be home later." I told him. He nodded. He's being more quite then usual. "Everything alright?" I asked. "Ya. Uh-have fun." He said. I walked over to him, I couldn't help it I grabbed his hand, "are you sure you're okay? You can tell me." He smiled, "I'm fine."

I have never been so nervous. Esmerelda came back later that afternoon telling me Ella will be over with Andrews great uncle from New York, one of the best warlocks. What if (Y/N) won't want me? I've spent all day thinking about her. I can't shake the thought of not being with her. "Alrighty I'll see you later." (Y/N) smiled. I waved goodbye and she was out the door. The next time that door opens it will be Ella and Aster. Oh wow.
"Niall! Hello!" Aster smiled. He looks the exact same compared to the last time I saw him..which was almost 10 years ago. He has a big, fluffy grey bush of hair and a tight leather jacket with matching leather pants and a silver chain. His nails are painted a dark black with glitter and he still talks a lot with hands. I'm always afraid that while he's explaining something he's going to set the floor on fire. "Hello." I smiled back. Ella walked in with a smile so big. "Finally." I heard her mumble. Cracking his fingers Aster smiled, "alright let's get started." Because Aster is so powerful with the snap of his fingers I was wooshed into a mist of black.
The next time I woke up I was laying down and there was a sharp pain coming from my arm. I opened my eyes, Aster's dark blue ones looking back at me. He was pinching me. "Ow!!" I frowned. Aster smiled, "ta da!" He released my arm from his grip and stood up beside a smiling Ella. I sat up. "I'm. Human?" They nodded. Holy crap. I sat back down on the couch. "But. Your life is now connected to (Y/N). Tell her that. When she dies you do too..." Aster shrugged. He was used to giving people this news. I nodded. I was nervous.
  Aster looked at the front door, "She's coming. You better make your move." He winked. Ella elbowed him, "let's go out the back." Aster nodded, a curl falling upon his forehead. "Thank you, so much." I smiled. With out another word they left and the front door opened. I didn't even have to think, I got up. "Hi-" (Y/N) began. I kissed her. She wrapped an arm behind my neck running a hand through my hair.

Well. Wow. I wouldn't mind being welcomed home like that for the rest of my life if I'm being honest. I let myself relax, he gently pushed me back against the door. I smiled breaking the kiss, "hi." He rested his forehead against mine and reached to grab my hand. He rested my hand on his chest, "do you feel that?" His heart was beating really fast. "Wait. Did you- oh my god." I kissed him quickly. "But I- my life is tied to yours. Once you know- I...you know." He said. I nodded I was used to this weirdness. "Ghost rommies" I joked. He rolled his eyes. "How? Did this happen?" I asked. "Your great great uncle is one of the most powerful warlocks." He said. I blinked. Of course I have a great uncle that's a warlock, "Oh." Niall laughed, "I love you." Wow. "Let's sit down." I smiled.

She didn't say it back. I shouldn't be worried.

I laced my hand in his. His hands were warm. "I love you too." He kissed my cheek. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"Oh no, not the titanic." I smiled at her. She looked at me and grinned, "don't complain." I shouldn't complain. I felt great. Alive even. Ha. Ha.

The end.
So Aster was inspired by Magnus Bane :)

I hope you all enjoyed!!!

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