13: He breaks something of yours during a fight

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"Why are you always coming home late!?" Niall shouted at you. "Niall I told you..." You spoke calmly to him. He glared at you. "Because you have a lot of work to do? Is that what you said!?" He shouted. You backed away from your angry Niall. It was 7:00pm and apparently it was to late for Niall to deal with. You've been staying at work later because your work is hosting a fashion show and you have been helping your boss design some outfits and prepare for the show. Niall didn't understand that. "Niall I'm at work...I work too." You tell him worriedly. You hated when Niall was angry and he knew that. He let out a nasty laugh.

"Ha funny...you work...I work (Y/N) I get all the money you don't do anything except stay at work late to avoid me!" He shouted at you. The tears you tried to hold back were already running down your face. Fighting about work wasn't rare this week. "I do to work Niall! Jesus I'm trying! You're being so discouraging and it's not helping!" You were the one to shout this time. "Don't you dare turn this into being my fault!" He yelled and stepped toward you." You were frozen in your spot. "I'm not turning this on you! I'm at work we already discussed this!" You sobbed. Niall grunted and swatted his hand, knocking over your glass jewelry box to the floor. It fell into pieces and your necklaces were now scattered all over the floor. It was your grandmas jewelry box that she gave you before she passed away, it was your most prized possession. He had just broken it.

You looked up at Niall threw your tears and his whole face softened. You could tell he was thinking, 'oh shit what did I do!?' You bent down to pick up the shattered pieces off the floor. Niall lent down beside you and put his shaking hand on your back. You swatted his hand away. "No leave me alone...go away!" You cried furiously. Niall didn't say anything, he got up and walked away shutting the door to your shared bedroom behind him.

You sat on the floor and waited to hear the front door slam shut but it never did...
Thank you so much for reading!
There will be a part two to this one. :)

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