88: Little Family

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You sat on a very comfortable bench at your children's favourite park not too far from home. The park had swings that your daughter Sarah loved and begged for you to push her until she was pleased with how high she was swinging. As for your son, James, you could hear him laughing on the slides with one of his friends from school.

He had Niall's laugh, loud and contagious.

"Mum!" Your daughter shouted. You looked over in her direction. She was running over to you with a small yellow flower in her hand.

"Yes, honey?" You smiled as she sat herself beside you.

"I found a flower. Can you put it on my ear like always?"

You smiled. Sarah had gotten to the age where everything was lovely to her. She was very in love with animals, and flowers, basically anything smaller than she was.

You slid the flower behind her ear. Adjusting her dark hair so that the flower was visible.

"There you go, love." You said, leaving a kiss on her forehead.

Sarah smiled, "Thank you, mum. I'm hungry. When are we going home?"

"In five minutes. Go and tell your brother it's time to go."

You watched as Sarah ran off, looking for a still laughing, James.

Niall was off at work in L.A. Tour was ending which meant he would be home soon. You and your children started marking the days until Niall got back home on an animal calendar that Sarah and James had found at the dollar store with their grandma.

You were excited for Niall to come home. At times it got very hard to keep your children in check, keep the house clean, cook every meal, and wash all their clothes for school. Sarah was very picky with her outfits for school while James could just about where his pjs to school and be happy. Sometimes your frustrations got the best of you and although you told yourself you'd never blame Niall or call him when you needed something you found yourself calling him more than you'd like to admit. His voice calmed you down. His reassurance relaxed you.

"I'm sorry, I'll get the next flight home." He would say.

"No. I'm being childish. I should go to bed. See you soon."

"I love you, (Y/N). I'll be with you all before you know it."

You would smile, "I love you too."

"Bye, Emmy!" You heard your son say to his little friend from school. She was a little blonde girl and you often thought if James was going to steal her heart the way Niall stole yours, through smiles and giggles.

You got up from your spot on the beach and wrapped your hands in Sarah's and James'.

The park was just down the road from your home. You made sure to walk the opposite way from the ice cream shop or else your children would start begging for ice cream before dinner. That was Niall's fault. He likes to spoil the kids when he gets back home. When the four of you go out for dinner Niall makes sure to get dessert before the actual meal. You don't approve but it's the smile on their faces that keep you from saying anything.

James offered to unlock the door by taking your key. He had a new found liking for doors. You didn't know why. Probably just curiosity.

Sarah and James ran off to their rooms as you walked over to the kitchen to make something for dinner. You cooked some pasta and put some fruits on your children's plates.

When the food was done you made your way up the stairs. You could hear a guitar strumming in Sarah's room. She's taking after Niall's skills for sure. You signed her up for guitar lessons about a week ago and with practice she's almost as good as her father. Maybe that's exaggerating, but she is amazing at keeping a straight tune.

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