35: "we're just friends" part two

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"So you and Shawn are just friends?" Niall asks for the third time on the phone. "Yes. Why do you keep asking?" You ask nervously, sitting criss crossed on your couch. "And me and you?" He pauses, you're about to answer when he starts talking again. "We are just friends?" His voice lowers. You don't know how to answer of course you an Niall are friends but you want to be so much more than just his friend. But you're afraid that if you tell him that he will get grossed out and never talk to you again. "Um ya of course." You say. For once you're glad he can't see your face. "Mhm." You hear him mumble and the line goes silent.

You look down at your phone confused. A few minutes later someone knocks on the door which is weird because it's just past midnight. You put your purple blanket over you and walk over to the door. When you open it you're faced by a smiling Niall. "Hi." He says. "Niall!" You say pulling him in for a hug and closing the door. "What are you doing here?" You ask into his shoulder. He squeezes you then pulls away taking off his jacket and putting it on a hook. "I need to ask you something." He says. "Okay? Are you okay?" You ask worried. He nods slowly. He takes your hand and your hand jolts just a bit at his touch. He looks at you nervously and let's go of your hand. He sits down on the couch. You sit beside him, shoulders touching. "Niall." You say. "Can you be honest with me?" He asks. "Yes." You nod. "Do you have feelings for Shawn?" He asks the ground. "No Niall." You almost laugh, is he that blind to not notice your feelings towards him. "You sure?" He asks still not looking at you. "I'm positive." You answer. "Um Do you have feelings for me?" He asks. You don't answer which causes him to look up at you. "Honestly, I've never loved someone, but when I hear your voice my heart beats faster, and when you look at me my cheeks get redder and my stomach gets really crazy butterflies thinking about the next time I get to see you or even talk to you. So yes I have feelings for you." You say quickly looking at him. He smiles. "Thank god. I love you. I can't take being just friends with you anymore. Be mine." He smiles taking your hand. "I'll only be yours if your mine." You smile. "I'm all yours." He smiles leaning in until your lips touch and everything between you and him changes.
Enjoy!!! Thank you for reading.

Exams are coming up soon for me 😭

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