75: He's a ghost

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I don't know why my parents gave this house for me to live in once they got too old to live in it. Why not give it to my older brother. The huge house used to scare the crap out of me. The stairs would creak, the chandelier would swing just slightly, the lights would always flicker, and the attic..I wouldn't even dare to go up there even at the age I am now. My parents were pretty odd growing up. They spent most of their time in the attic I'd hear them speaking in different languages and occasionally they would laugh. Not to mention my dad would come downstairs with these big square goggles that made him look like an evil scientist. I hated the house...that's the main reason why I moved out when I was 17. A small apartment in town was better than the huge spooky house in the middle of nowhere.

"So you've put everything in the house already?" My mom asked from her couch in the old folks home.
"No. Dylan did most of it. He will be over later to pack up the rest." I told her. She nodded. My dad had passed away 3 years ago. She was tired of living alone and thought having a roommate in an old folks home would be good for her. "Mom, why didn't Dylan get the house?" I asked tapping my foot on the wooden floor. "Because he didn't want it." She answered. "Why couldn't the house be sold to a stranger?" I asked. My mom made a face then shook her head not giving me an answer. "But why-" she cut me off, "just be thankful. You'll learn to love the place." She shifted her head shifted to the window and smiled. I decided not to argue any further. "Mom I'm gonna get going." I told her. She nodded to me, "alright. I'll see you soon."

I drove to my small apartment quickly. Wow was I ever going to miss it. Dylan's mustang was already parked in the parking lot. My brother had everything..love, money, kids. He's the lucky one in the family. I unlocked my apartment door and Dylan was already flipping through one of my old yearbooks. "Hello." He smiled. "Hi nosey." I said back. He put my yearbook back in the box labeled "my goodies."
"So we already put your bed in there..now we need to put all your other stuff and then next week I'll put the stove working. Electricity is already up and working and so is the plumbing...I checked this morning." Dylan explained. "Alright. Thank you." I smiled.

We drove about 45 minutes to get to my parents house-my house. Dylan carried 2 small boxes and a garbage bag. I tried to do the same except I dropped my garbage bag. Dylan laughed as we walked to the front door.
   I looked up at the house. It was full of vines that I'd need to cut. There's a big window on the top floor that I refused to look into. Dylan opened the door, it was freezing. I hated it. "It's cold." I stated. Dylan shrugged. "Look I'll give you the house for free you know how much I hate this house." I told my brother. He looked back at me and shrugged again. What was that supposed to mean?

I haven't seen her in almost 6 years. She moved out when she was 17 because the house used to scare her. It's quite funny how easily she can get scared. She sat down on the new leather couch that she brought in from her old home. I wish she could see me. I mean I could let her see me but I'd hate to scare her away right now. I spot Dylan at the same time he spotted me. He winked at me quickly. Dylan grew up in this house, didn't move out until he proposed to his lovely wife. His Parents couldn't keep me a secret anymore because little Dylan would wonder everywhere. I didn't even have to focus on making myself visible for Dylan. He can see me no matter what. "I think I'm going to hang up posters and blinds." I heard (Y/N) say. "Ya sure." Dylan shrugged again. He's not good at keeping secrets so he will avoid making conversation. I walked over to the wall across from the couch to get a better look at her. She's grown up very nicely as I would have suspected.  (Y/N)'s hair was short...much shorter than when I last saw her. She's still beautiful. "I'm going to get going." Dylan said. (Y/N) made a face that caused me to laugh.  "Okay-right- cool- bye." She mumbled. "Call me if you need anything." Dylan smiled. She nodded.

I spent the next hour watching (Y/N) pace around the living room. I decided to sit on one of the love seats. The thing with being a ghost..yes a ghost. I have to believe that I'm not going to fall through the couch. I have to make myself visible for another human to see me only if I want them too. I have to believe that one day I'll be free. I'll be free to be able to wonder the world. "So I'm alone. In this house. What am I supposed to do? Tv?" She was talking to herself and I had to admit it was funny. Instead she walked over to grab a broom and started to sweep the floor. Why not have some fun? I strolled over to where she was sweeping and lightly kicked the end of the broom. Her wide eyes wondered the floor. She shrugged and continued sweeping. I decided to tug at the broom with my hand. (Y/N) dropped the broom. She nearly ran over to her phone on the couch.

"Hey. Dylan. My broom is haunted." She mumbled. I tried not to laugh. "Don't worry about it!?" She shouted. Her face calmed as she said, "you're right. I must be tired." She nodded.

(Y/N) had put her phone on the kitchen table made for four and didn't bother touching the broom again. I didn't bother scaring her again...for now. While (Y/N) sat back down on the couch I went upstairs to the attic. Dylan and (Y/N)s parents are wizards they used to come up here to preform spells. The area used to be filled with bottles of different colours but now it's just filled with boxes.
One night along time ago Andrew and Ella were experimenting in the attic with dragon eyes and lizard tongues when they revealed me. "Andrew look." Ella smiled she was pointing in the direction of where I was standing I was surprised that they could even see me because at the time I was cursed to never be seen. "Hello there." Andrew smiled. He had big square goggles on his round face. "I-hi." I mumbled. I hadn't communicated with anyone for awhile.
"We are Andrew and Ella." They smiled. Ever since that day they somehow were always looking out for me. I believe they still do.
  I walked out of the attic at the same time (Y/N) was walking up to her room. I walked back downstairs until curiosity hit me. Walking back upstairs I went into her room. She was already asleep the majority of her face cuddled into her pillow. She used to have nightmares all the time. I remembered when she was 15 she would sleep walk and had fallen down the stairs. I had prevented that by putting one of her reading chairs in front of her door so when she ran into it and she would wake up.

Dylan did a great job with putting all of her photos on her dresser. She had one of her niece and nephew Lily and Ethan. I ran my fingers past her book shelf. There was a beautiful glass figure of a heart. I imagined how cold it must have felt. Without realizing it I knocked it over onto the floor. It shattered. Oh no oh no oh no.

(Y/N) sprang up in her bed, "Who's there!?" She grabbed her lamp and walked over to the fallen glass. "What." She mumbled to her self. "Who's there?"
What have I got to loose. I revealed myself, "I-Uh-sorry."
"Who are you? How did you!?" She was shaking. "I'm Niall. I don't mean any harm." I told her. She shook her head, "get out! I'm not afraid to use this lamp." "Go ahead." I knew she wouldn't hit me. "Please leave." She mumbled. "I can't." I mumbled.
But instead of arguing I walked downstairs and out the door..I just couldn't leave the property.
Halloween is coming up soon so I thought why not.

I missed you all☺️

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