76: He's a ghost pt.2

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I didn't even bother falling back asleep so while I walked into my moms old folks home I probably looked like a walking dead. That would explain why all these people were looking at me. With a shaky hand I opened my moms room door. She was sitting in a chair looking threw her open window. Without turning around my mom said, "so you've met Niall." She said it as a statement not a question. "What? Who is he? How do you know that?" I was full of questions and my head was pounding. She extended her hand and smiled at me, "come here sweetheart." I walked over to her. She pointed over to her flower bed, "do you see that?" She was pointing to a little floating blue thing. "What is it?" I asked. "Look closely. It's a fairy. My messenger fairy. What happens is she  teleports around and collects answers that I ask her to check on." I couldn't help it, I laughed, "you're joking." My mom shook her head, "I'm not. Niall is a ghost sweetheart. There's many things you should know." She said. I laughed again, "I don't believe you. A ghost? Like Caspar." "Not really. Look he was cursed. He can't leave the property." She shrugged. "But how?" "You'll have to ask him yourself." She shrugged. "No I'm moving out." I said. "No. You're going to stay. You should know that all the stories are true, love and you're going to be happy. There's nothing to worry about." She smiled. When my mom smiles the only thing I can do is smile back. "I'm a wizard love. All those noises from the attic were experiments from your father and I. You moved out before we got the chance to tell you anything so you'll learn now." She added.
I nodded, "alright mom. I'll see you later." She smiled blowing me a kiss.
This is crazy.

(Y/N) set a table for two. I hoped it was Dylan joining her and not anyone else. "So. Um. You can't leave. Do you like salad?" She was shredding some carrots. It took me a few moments to understand that she was talking to me.
"I can't really eat. No emotions." I answered. "Okay?" She questioned, "sorry this is weird." "I know. Just ignore the weirdest." I walked over and stood next to her. She glanced over so I knew she could see me. "My mom said you are a ghost. Why can I see you?" She asked. "I'm letting you see me." I answered. She turned to me, "how did this happen?" She put the shredded carrots in a silver bowl and walked over to the table. I took a seat as did she. "Do you really want to know?" I asked. "Well I mean you're basically my house mate." She said. "Very well. I grew up in an orphan home. When I was 16 some family finally adopted me. They had an older son and I thought it was going to be great..it was terrible. They gave me a room in the basement and I was never aloud upstairs unless they needed something." I watched her facial expression soften. "One night on my 17th birthday I thought it wouldn't make any harm if I went up to the kitchen and grabbed myself a cookie but Paul my adoptive father was upstairs and he nearly blew up he started shouting at me and pinned me against the wall and told me, "you useless shit. You'll die in this house and when you do you'll be stuck. Stuck I tell you where no one will be able to hear you and see you. I thought- no I knew he was crazy but I didn't actually believe him. On my 20th birthday they allowed to go up stairs to get changed for my adoptive moms sisters wedding and when I was beginning to walk down the stairs my adoptive brother came out of no where and jumped me. That's all I remember. I have a huge scar on my forehead..I think I hit it pretty hard." I explained. It was a story I never like to explain. "So your adoptive dad cursed you?" She asked. I think she had forgotten all about her food. "Yes. I hated that man I was supposed to be leaving that summer they let me apply for a college. But I never got the chance." I shrugged. "But how can you- how don't you go threw this chair?" She asked. I was expecting this question. "I have to believe I won't go through it." I smiled. She nodded finally taking a forkful of salad and putting it in her mouth. "I think I'm going insane." She mumbled. I couldn't help but laugh. If I were in her shoes i would think the same thing. "Well you're not. Your parents were quite extraordinary people. I'm sure your mom will tell you everything." I said. She nodded, "are you stuck like this?" "Technically yes." I answered. "Technically?" She rode her eyebrows. "Yes it's a long story that I think I'll save for another night."
  "Well roommate I'm going to go watch a movie. Care to join me?" She asked. I nodded it's been a while since I've watched a movie.
Part 2! 💕

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