79: He's a ghost pt.5

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I chose a few dvds, some little pictures to put on the walls and some more popcorn. I was excited to go back home and see Niall. He was definitely my favourite company. "I'm back! Look what I found." I said when I walked in. Niall was sitting on the couch playing with his fingers. I set the bags on the floor and sat down next to him. "Do you still have nightmares?" He asked me. "Yes. They aren't as bad as they used to be." I said. He nodded, "you used to sleep walk." Of course he would know that. He knew me much before I knew him. "And to keep you from falling down the stairs I put a chair in front of the door." He smiled. I laughed, I thought that was my brother, "I thought Dylan did that." "Nope it was me. I saved your life." He smiled. I moved closer to him hoping he didn't notice.

I noticed. It looked like she was about to say something but her phone started to ring. By the look of her face I knew it was a need she wasn't used to get, "It's the old folks home."

"Hello?" She answered. The person on the other side of the phone said something and (Y/N) began to laugh. "I thought something bad happened...alright I'll be there in a moment." She said and hung up. (Y/N) looked at me smiled..geez. "My mom wants to come for dinner." She said. I smiled back, I'd do anything to just reach up and touch her hair. "I'm going to pick her up. We will bring a pizza." She smiled and out of the house she went.

She arrived back an hour and a half later still with a smile, pizza, and Ella. Ella walked over to me and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her small form. "Hello! How are you doing?" She smiled. "Same as always." I shrugged. She made a face and looked at a smiling (Y/N) she was looking back at me and with a slight nod her attention went to her mom. "Who wants pizza!?" She grinned. I walked over with her, and Ella and sat down at the table. "I really like what you are doing to the place." Ella smiled. "Thank you...Niall picked the colour blue." She smiled at me. "Go on eat a price of pizza." Ella smiles to me. So much smiling. I grabbed a slice and when I bit in it the heat from the pizza burned my tongue and I could feel the sauce on my tongue. That's never happened. Weird weird weird. I didn't bother saying anything.

After eating (Y/N) excused herself to the bathroom. "So have you been thinking about becoming human?" Ella asked. "I- no not really. But that pizza, Ella I tasted it." I said. She smiled, "that's-weird." "I know." I mumbled. "You should become human." She said. "I don't know Ella." "Please just think about it." She smiled placing her hand on mine.

At around midnight little mumbles began to come from (Y/N)'s room these nightmares were quite frequent. "(Y/N).." I said. "Hmm ya? Can you turn on the light?" She asked. I nodded doing as she said. "Do you mind staying here?" She asked. What a dumb question. "Yes of course." I answered. I slid into bed beside her, now that I knew I would be sleeping tonight I pulled the covers over myself as well. "Tell me your favourite memory." She breathed. I smiled, "Well when I was younger I snuck out after dinner and walked to the beach, it was a ten minute walk. I watched the sunset then walked back home. I think it was my most peaceful moment." She looked up at me with a blank look. "If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?" She asked. "I'd like to live in a small town somewhere cultural with good food." I answered, it wasn't something I really thought about. She looked up at me again, "what's your biggest dream?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. I really like him. Really really like him. If I just kiss him would that be bad? Just a small kiss. I leaned up towards his face, "I might just possibly kiss you." He closed his eyes then opened them, looking back at me, "don't." Oh. Wow. Cool. "W-why?" I asked.

"Trust me I want to but I won't be able to feel it. I want to be able to feel your kiss." I said. I put an arm around her. "Oh." She said, "why don't you just become human? I'll be able to- never mind." She mumbled. I thought about it. If she'd want me to become human she'd be mine right? We would actually be together, I'd have something, someone to live for. "Would you want me to be human?" I asked. "If that's something you want then go ahead." She shrugged. "I- (Y/N) would we- you be mine?" I asked. She looked up at me and kissed my cheek, "I guess that's something you'll find out."

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