43: Sharing a bunk

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An hour. You've been snuggled up to Niall in his bunk trying to sleep for the past hour, but you can't seem to. Trying to find a comfortable spot you lay your head on Niall's chest. "You okay?" He asks. Maybe you weren't the only one trying to sleep. "Sorry but I think this bunk is too small, I might fall off." You whisper. "Oh no you won't." You hear Niall say, he wraps his arms around you so your face to face and trapped in his arms. "I've never been this close to you." You laugh. "I like it." Niall breathes. This is the first time you and Niall have shared a bunk on the tour bus. You didn't realize how small the bunks actually were until you try fitting two people onto one. Of course you had your own separate bunk above Niall's, but he insisted it would be better if you just shared with him. He was wrong the bunk is too small, but you suck it up, loving having Niall so close. "You know, the couch is bigger." Niall says, his voice deep with sleep. He has a big day tomorrow and you don't want your whining to keep him awake. "Nah, I'm good here." You say genuinely. "Okay, if you fall out of the bunk I promise we will never share a bunk again." You hear him laugh. "You just got to keep a good hold on me." You say wrapping your arm around him. "I got you." He says, kissing your forehead. "I love you Ni." You whisper. "I love you too, sweet dreams."
Thank you all for reading! ♥️

Who's excited for March break/spring break!? 🙋

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