57: He's a prince pt.2

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"Okay everyone! Listen up!" Sarah says. She holds a clip board.

"I feel like we are doctors or something." Darla mumbles beside me. I smile.

"So tomorrow we have guests coming to the castle. Lots of royal guests. And we need to make sure everything is perfect." Sarah smiles, she's not as scary as she looks. With her pointed nose and round glasses she looks like a middle school teacher.

"First I need maids to hand out all the desserts, there will be trays for you all in the kitchen, you will also have welcoming smiles. Since this is a party I'll allow you all one dance, but after all the royals have had theirs." She narrows her eyes at all of us.

"As for our guards, you will have a grey suit delivered to you early in the morning, about 5 of you will be at the the front doors. Now also the best part...all of you will start off the night with a dance. There will be choreography that you will all learn this afternoon. Wear something comfortable." She grins.

"Did I miss anything?" She glances at her clip board. "Oh, maids you for tomorrow you will wear the black button up with a black skirt, the aprons will be given to you in the kitchen. Be up for 5:00am. Now go, you have dance choreography in an hour." She walks away quickly.

"Did you get all that?" I ask Darla. She grins, "nope so if I'm late for the dance thing oops." She laughs.

Darla walks over to the kitchen and I make my way upstairs to wake up Princess Emerald. She's lucky she gets to sleep in later than the rest of the castle.

I climb the stairs to the third floor. I feel somewhat special to be up here. The queen and king walk past me, I curtsy and they smile. I've done something right. "Good morning (Y/N)" Niall smiles at me. He's still in his night wear. "Good morning your majesty." I smile. He laughs, "it's Niall. I'll see you at breakfast?"

"Uh yes." I nod. He smiles and walks away. He's quiet handsome to be honest. But I can't see myself dating the prince. Of course I've dated a fair share of boys but never those who can force the country to work a certain way. All the boys I've dated ended up being assholes anyway. But Niall. He's doesn't seem like any of the boys I've dated before.

"Princess Emerald. It's time to get up." I whisper shaking princess Emerald lightly. She opens her blue eyes and smiles, "morning. We have a party this evening right?" Her face lights up, she must really enjoy parties. "Yes we do. I have dance choreography soon though." I say picking out some dresses for her.

She's laughs, "that's going to be interesting. Maybe I'll stop by and see most of you fail...I'm kidding."

I laugh, "would you like me to fill the tub with water?"

"Yes please." She nods getting out of bed.

I fill the tub in her room with warm water. I set a towel close to the tub. She's lucky she gets a bathroom in her room. I wish I'd gotten that opportunity, but then again I'm not royalty.

"Your majesty I'm finished. I layed out some dresses for you too." I smile wiping my hands on my black apron.

"Thank you very much. Do you mind going to get my breakfast downstairs?" She asks. "Of course not, I'll be back." I say.

I walk down the steps slowly and enter the kitchen. "Hello, miss Emeralds breakfast?" I ask the chef. He nods towards a plate with eggs,bacon,waffles, and fruit. There's a big cup of grape juice. I take the plate in one hand and the cup in the other. How am I supposed to climb up stairs with this in my hands. I struggle to get up to the last step and as I do I trip and the juice spills to the floor. I've saved the plate of food though. I sigh and look up, the juice, it spilled all over white shoes. I look up at the person.

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