62: He's a prince pt.7

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One year later.

Emerald, Darla, Summer and my sister make beautiful braids maids. "Sweet heart are you ready?" My mom asks linking her arm in mine. I nod, playing with my bracelet that my soon to be husband gave me a while back.

The doors to the church open and everyone stands. Niall stands tall, I notice he's wearing a white grey tux with his crown and grey tights. I laugh, he so did that on purpose. "What's so funny?" My mom whispers to me. I shake my head smiling, "nothing." We walk to the front of the alter and my mom hands my hand to Niall. He takes my hand and squeezes it. I see his parents sitting in one of the front rows. They are holding hands and smiling at us. I'm glad they are happy.

I look up at Niall and whisper, "Nice tights." He smiles, "shush I know you love them." "I don't love the tights but I do love you." I grin. "I love you too, princess." He smiles. Princess. Me a princess. I look over around the faces of people attending our wedding. Behind my mom I see Sir Aaron Fawcett. (The guard who told Darla to shush.) I see him wink...not at me but at Darla. I can only bet she's trying not to giggle. I hope their wedding is next.

"Prince Niall Horan of Ireland do you take this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after gods ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep thee unto her so long as ye both shall live?" The priest says looking at Niall.

"I will." He nods looking at me. 

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) do you take this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after gods ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep thee unto him so long as ye both shall live?
"I will." I smile back at him.

Niall takes my right hand and says, "I Niall take (Y/N) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do us apart."  I take Niall's hand and say the same thing slowly. Careful not to mess up or start to cry.

Niall takes my ring from our ring bearer (one of Niall's younger cousins.) and slides it onto my finger. Wow. I then take Niall's ring and slide it onto his finger. My hand shakes and I can feel him smiling down at me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest says.

Niall grins and kisses me lightly and quickly. I guess he's nervous or uncomfortable to kiss in front of people. I find it cute. "Your crown." he whispers. "Oh right." I nod. Niall turns to his best man (Travis our chef) and Travis hands Niall the silver crown. Niall smiles at me and places the crown on my head. Oh wow. Everyone claps. I can feel my cheeks burning. "Ready?" Niall asks. I nod.

He links our hands and as we are walking out of church he picks me up bridal style. "Niall!" I laugh. He smiles and walks out of church with everyone else laughing.

We walk to our grey convertible that will take us back to the palace for our after party. Niall opens the back door for me. "My lady." He grins. I smile, "oooh I like that." I climb into the back seat with Niall beside me. "Congratulations." Our driver smiles. "Thank you." Nial and I smile. We wait for people to exit the church until the driver turns on the car.

Niall places his hand in mine. "You look very beautiful today. Not like you don't look beautiful every day but I can feel my eyes popping out of their sockets." He whispers. I giggle, "My husbands a dork." "A very handsome dork." Niall winks. His comment causes our driver and me to laugh. I kiss Niall's cheek.

We turn into the driveway of the palace. I'm so excited to see how outside is going to look. My bridesmaids have been working on the after party for about a month. Niall and I walk in hand in hand. And might I say they did a great job with decorating the back of the castle. There's a whole bunch of tables with white cloths and little flowers. There's a longer table where I know Niall, my brides maids, his best man, and our parents will be sitting. I walk right over to our dessert table. I can hear Niall laughing. "Hungry for dessert already beautiful?" He asks wrapping an arm around my waist. I smile and lean into him, "uh no I just wanted to see how pretty it looks." I feel him nod. "AWWWW would you look at my favourite couple!" Summer smiles. She's walking beside my sister. We turn to face them to see everybody else arriving to the castle as well. Darla and Rosa walk over smiling. "You all did a great job setting up." I smile to them. "Thank you." Niall adds. "Well, let's get to our tables." Darla smiles. Niall and I sit in the middle of the long table facing every other guest. Niall is to my right and Darla is to my left. My mom hands me a microphone so I can announce that there's a photo booth and the food will be out soon.

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