78: He's a ghost pt.4

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A few weeks later:


The blue walls in the living room and kitchen actually looked really good. (Y/N) was in her pjs trying to put up some grey curtains in the living room. She was struggling but I sat back and held in a laugh. "Okay, you can stop laughing and come and help." She said glancing back at me. I walked over and helped attach the one curtain to the pole. "Ni.." She said. (Y/N) had gotten into the little nickname of Ni and I must say I enjoyed it. "Mhm?" I asked. "Were you..have you ever been in love?" She hesitated. "Um with someone else? Not exactly." I answered. Through the past weeks I've learnt that she hates sushi, loves blasting music, and she does not have a job..she's working on it though. "How about you?" I asked. She laughed and looked to me, "with food maybe." I smiled...she did not have a boyfriend.

Once we finished hanging the curtains (Y/N) began to smile, "So..have you ever had a picnic?" "Yes, (Y/N)." I smiled back. "Well let's go outside. I'll bring some popcorn." She said. My jaw dropped. When I was younger I loved popcorn and I guess I still do. She brought a blanket outside and layed it on the grass near the front of the house. She patted the spot next to her and i sat down. "Were you close with my parents?" She asked. "Yes very." I nodded. "So you heard about my dad?" She frowned. "Yes. I'm sorry." I looked at her. She nodded, "How come i didn't get to meet you sooner?" "Because you moved out as soon as possible." I smiled. She smiled back, "so you were always around?" "Mhm." I nodded. She handed me the bowl of popcorn, "my mom told me you liked popcorn." "I very much do." I nodded. "Look the sun is setting." She smiled. I glanced at her and took in the view of her for a few extra moments as she looked up at the sky. "It's beautiful." I mumbled. If I'm being honest and cheesy I wasn't talking about the sky.

It turned out (Y/N) still occasionally had nightmares. I could hear her mumbling in her sleep and when I went up to see if she was alright she was shaking and she was sweaty. "(Y/N).." I whispered. I touched her arm and she sprang awake, "Hmm?" "Are you alright?" I asked.


I nodded but deep down I was far from alright. I hated night mares. Still to this day. The sleep walking stopped as I got older but the nightmares still came. I wiped my eyes and shook my head. "Could you..stay?" I asked..I felt like such a baby but i wasn't in the mood to feel alone. Through the dark I saw him nod. I moved over and he sat down on my bed. I thought he was going to stay sitting until he moved and layed down next to me. I felt him wrap an arm around me, oddly enough I felt safe. Simply like a friend was going to take my hand and walk through every path with me, staying by my side and making sure all the bad stays away. I couldn't help it, I rested my head on his shoulder. I could feel him. Like he wasn't a ghost. Like he was human. I realized then that i really wished he was human. How much easier everything would be. "Thank you Ni." I mumbled. "Shhhh, sleep, love." I felt him tilt his head so it was over top mine. My heart ached, how long has it been for him to be this close to someone?

I woke up the next morning to Niall still beside me. His eyes was closed. He was sleeping...he can't sleep. "Niall!" I shouted. His blue eyes opened. They were twinkling. "Hmmm?" He asked. "You-you were sleeping?" His eyes widened, "huh?" I decided to drop the topic. "I'm going to get up. Maybe go find some more decorations for the house..visit my mom." I smiled.

I nodded and got up. If only I could have felt her beside me. "I'll see you later." I said. I walked outside and whistled. Ella's blue messenger fairy Esmerelda popped out. "Hello Niall." She smiled. "Hi. Look I slept last night. I was sleeping this morning? Can you ask Ella what that means? That has never happened before." I was trying not to panic. Esmerelda smiled at me, "yes Of course one moment." In the blink of an eye she was gone.

"Alrighty Nialler, Ella said you are in love. A ghost can only sleep when they are in love. Who's the lucky lady?" Esmerelda smiled. "I-Uh." "Don't worry Ella knows it's her daughter."

I didn't know what to do. When I walked back inside (Y/N) was eating cereal at the kitchen counter. "What else should I put in the house?" She asked. I think she was used to this supernatural information. "I'm not sure." I smiled. "Me either. I think I'll go to the store and buy some more movies." She said, "I should be back later."
I love that you all are enjoying this ☺️❤️

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