72: Change

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Age 13
He linked his fingers into mine. We were sitting in our tree house in my backyard. My dad made it for my siblings back in 3rd grade, but Niall and I had taken over it. "We are going to be best friends forever right? Just like in the movies?" I smiled up at him. He squeezed my hand, "of course..I'll always have your back.."  "I love you.." I smiled up at Niall. At the time you'd say I love you to anyone you are close with-never really knew the true meaning of love. "I love you too (Y/N)." He smiled squeezing my hand again.

Age 16
Liar. People change, but memories always stay the same. "Who's that?" Sarah asked me. We became friends in high school. She liked having coloured hair, coloured nails, coloured everything. I looked in the direction she was gesturing to. Him. Niall. He was walking with his new group of friends that wore leather jackets and walked as if they had springs in their feet. I never saw Niall to be one of those people. He even got a tattoo that is very visible when he wore short sleeves. "Who?" I asked, if he was going to pretend I didn't exist I would act the same way. "The blonde..I saw him last year but he got really hot." She grinned. Niall is beyond hot, he's lovely, caring,funny, perfect-wait, he was all those things. "Ya I don't know..I'm going to head to class." I said before she could say anything else. When Niall and I got into high school our friendship- or whatever we had took a turn in the wrong direction. He joined the football team and we only had one class together and before I knew it I was kicked to the curb and he was a completely different human being.

Age 17
People suck. Sarah is a liar too. Seems like everyones a liar. I've made another friend, I think it's a trend, loose a friend gain a friend. It sucks. "She's an attention whore." Riley mumbled to me during lunch. Sarah wrapped her arm around Niall's giggling. She dyed her hair black...they took all the colour from her. Riley is different. She's smart, talented. I hope she's different. Niall's eyes meet mine in the hallway, the ends of his mouth rise. He looked sad. I shouldn't care. "You know what? Let's go out for sushi later. We can even go swimming at my place." Riley offered with a big smile. I told her most of the things I couldn't  even tell myself. I really hope Riley is different.

Later that year
Riley is great. "I'll meet you outside I just have to talk to Mrs.Aarons." She smiled. I nodded grabbing my back pack, and my math textbook. I waited  outside for her. She invited me to her house this afternoon. It's her moms birthday so she said she'd love to have me over. "You're like my family too. You should join." She said. It's great.

"Hey." I heard someone say. The voice sounds familiar..different but familiar. It's Niall, I thought he was talking to the wrong person so I didn't bother turning around. "(Y/N)." I heard him say. I turned, "huh? Do I know you?" Okay, you may have thought  that was rude. Maybe even silly, but when I looked at him it was like looking at a complete stranger. He's even gotten a lip ring. "Funny." He mumbled looking at me. "I'm glad you think it is." I mumbled back. I wished for Riley to hurry. "I miss you." He said clearly. Not only did my mouth drop but so did my math textbook. I picked it up quickly before he could. He misses me. How great for him. Took him awhile to admit that. "I-okay." I had no idea how to reply! I wanted to-to punch him- but hug him so tight he's turn back into my best friend.

"Alright (Y/N) lets get going." Riley smiled. She eyed Niall and grabbed my arm. We walked to her house. Niall misses me. "You're going to have fun!" Riley smiled. She knew better not to ask me about what was going on. I'm glad I wore a decent looking outfit today. "I hope so." I smiled at her.

Riley unlocked her front door and we walked in. "We are here!" Riley called out. A tall slim lady with dark curly hair approached us with a smile, "you must be (Y/N). Nice to meet you. Please, please take off your shoes make yourself at home." "Happy birthday." I smiled to the lady. "Thank you." She smiled back. "We can go up to my room so you can put away your bag." Riley offered. I nodded and we went upstairs. She had a guitar in the corner of her room. "You play guitar?" I asked. I always found it amazing how Niall is so good at playing the guitar. I wonder if he still plays. "Kind of." She laughed, "my cousin enjoys to play too. You'll meet him he's coming." I nodded and set my backpack on the floor next to her bed.

The door bell rang when we were walking back down the stairs, it was so loud I almost fell down the stairs. Riley must have saw me jump because she laughed and ran towards the door. She must be really close with her family. "Hey!" She smiled to the person in the doorway. Another tall lady walked in with another tall girl that looked a few years older than me and a tall boy with curly hair he looked about my age. Riley closed the door and gestured for me to come over to to where her family members were standing. "(Y/N) this is my aunt Anne and my cousins Gemma, and Harry." Riley smiled. I shook Gemma and Anne's hand. "Hi." Harry smiled down at me. He was tall too with piercing green eyes. "Hi." I smiled back. He extended his hand for me to shake. "Where's the birthday girl?" Anne smiled. Riley gestured to the kitchen and all three of them walked away. Riley gave me a look. "What?" I asked. She just smiled and shrugged.

So I just started working on this last night and I thought it would be cute? But holy plot twist I didn't even see it coming. 😂☺️ Anyway I hope you all enjoy it. I don't know if there will be a part two or not??

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