86: Duet

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"We just want what's best for you." My manager Micheal told me.

I rolled my eyes, "no I think that's ridiculous!"

"Hun, it's just for a month or two of making the song then some interviews. You don't have to be with him all the time." Micheal reassured.

I rolled my eyes again, beginning to get a headache, "what if the song is a flop?"

"It won't be. Come on it's you and Niall Horan." The way he said Niall Horan made me want to throw up.

I frowned, "You know what he's done to me. Do I have time to think about this?"

Micheal smiled, patting my shoulder, "yes. We just want what is best for your career."

I nodded and grabbed my purse from the leather couch in my studio. If I could just sleep on that couch and forget about this whole 'Niall Horan' thing that would be fantastic.

I walked out into my car and texted my best friend Shawn.

Me: "I'm on my way to the bakery don't go anywhere."
Him: "wasn't planning on it :)"

Shawn was always at the bakery in the morning and in the evening just to get some hot chocolate and a cinnamon bun. From the studio to the bakery it was only a ten minute walk so with a car it only took my two minutes to pull into the parking lot and walk in.

I spotted brown hair and a guitar case in a booth furthest away from the entrance.

"Hey, Mendes." I smiled kissing him on the cheek. If any of the paparazzi were out there was going to be a lot of headlines tomorrow.

He smiled, "good morning."

I sat down in front of him and he offered me a piece of his cinnamon bun which I rejected because I already had a bagel on my way to the studio.

"Eh. It's not so good of a morning." I mumbled.

He frowned, "why not? They bothered you about the whole Niall thing again?"

I nodded.

"Look (Y/N), I understand you don't like him because of what happened in the past but that was a while ago. I played a gig with him last week and he was great. Plus you'll release another hit song and your face will be all over the next magazines and billboards."

I shrugged, "ya, next to his face."

Shawn touched my hand, "trust me it will be great for your career. Many other artists will want to work with you. Plus if he causes you any trouble you have me to beat him up."

I couldn't help but laugh, "you wouldn't hurt a fly."

He smiled at me, "true. But I would if it hurt you."

"This is why your my best friend. I love you."

"I love you too. When are you meeting with Niall?"

"Oh I don't know. I'll call Micheal tomorrow and see what's up. I'm heading home to relax do you want to join?" I smiled.

He nodded, "ya sure, I can show you the songs I've been working on."
I'm back!! And there will probably be a part 2 for this imagine. ☺️

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