47: You realize you love him

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"Sweetheart, he's quite the catch." Your mom whispers to you, she has mashed potatoes, and a salad bowl in her hands.

"He is." You agree looking over to Niall. He was standing with your dad in the backyard, your younger cousins running and chasing each other. You watch how Niall's hands have a little shake to them as your dad and him have a conversation. His cheeks get red, when your dad mentions something, probably about you, a smile makes its way to your face.

Niall dressed nice for your families reunion, he has a white button up shirt with blue jeans. You blush as he turns to see you looking at him, he gives you a quick smile and turns back to your dad. That damn smile.

He's perfect in imperfect ways, the way his nails are bitten down to no ends, the way his feet tap on the floor when he's nervous, or even excited. They way he runs his hand through his hair when he's stressed, the way his smile forms on his face, just how he makes you so happy, just by looking in your direction, he cares, he's loyal, he's funny, he's always up to listen to you rant about work. I love him. Your thought scares you, there's always the thought that 'what if he doesn't love me back?'

You see your little cousins tug on Niall's shirt, 'come play tag!' They shout. Your dad smiles and walks away, to your uncle who is controlling the barbecue. Niall runs around chasing your cousins with a smile on his face, again your stomach churns. I won't be able to live without him.

You watch Niall say something to your little cousins, they grin and look over to you, Niall walks over to you with a smirk, you giggle and cross your arms.

"You're up to no good." You smile at him, Niall wraps an arm around you and kisses the temple of your head.

"How are you?" He smiles, looking directly at you. His eyes swallow the ocean. "I'm good." You smile back, "but I need to tell you something, like right now. But I'm scared."

Niall's eye brows furrow, "scared? You shouldn't be scared to tell me anything."

"Niall, I-I love you." You say looking up at him.

"You do?" He tries to hide his shock.

"Yes. More than I thought." You confess, your face is burning, and not from the sun.

"I must tell you something too princess. I love you too." He whispers into your ear, sending chills all over your body, he gives your cheek a kiss, a smile never leaving either of your faces.
This has been my favourite preference to write so far, so I hope you all enjoy!

Also, I've had a crush on this boy for quite awhile and I don't know how to talk to him, any advice? 😁

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