27: Road trip pt.2

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A red van pulls up beside the two of you, and a man rolls down the passenger window. "Hey you two need a ride?" The lady in the passenger seat asks. You can see her chubby husband and two kids in the back seat. You look at Niall, he tightens his grip on your hand. "Wanna run for it?" You whisper to him. He laughs but shakes his head. "We might as well go with them." He shrugs. You nod. "We actually need to get some gas, if you don't mind?" Niall smiles kindly. "Of course that's where we are heading now!" The lady says. Niall grabs the iPod, keys, and stuffs the blanket back in his cars back seat. When he's done he laces his fingers through yours, you both climb into the back, behind the two kids. The van door shuts behind the two of you and it starts to drive. "I'm Betty by the way, this is Amber and Joey." She points to her kids. They look the same age, they are probably twins, you assume. "And this is my husband Jim." She says, her husband nods with a smile. "I'm Niall, and this is my girlfriend (Y/N)." Niall speaks up for you. You can feel him rubbing your hand with his thumb. "What are you two doing here?" Betty smiles. "I planned a road trip for the too of us but being stupid I forgot to fill the tank before we left." Niall laughs, you look at him alarmed, but he smiles at you and kisses your cheek. "Where are you all heading?" Niall asks, you find it fascinating how fast Niall gets comfortable around complete strangers. "Just a little family break." Betty says.

Along the ride, Niall and Jim start talking about sports. While you learned that Betty is really good at knitting, and her kids are twins, 5 minutes apart to be exact, Joey is older. You kept catching Amber looking back at Niall, you couldn't help but laugh to yourself, you felt the same way she did, Niall is really amazing, you squeeze is hand, happy he's yours. About 40 minutes past when the Van comes to a stop and Niall gets out of the car with Jim and Joey to get a tank of gas. "So how long have you two been together?" Betty smiles. "3 and a half years, it will be 4 years next month." You smile. Amber smiles back at you. "Wow that's along time." Amber says. "Ya it is." You say. You can see Niall, Joey, and Jim laughing and talking as they walk back toward the van. "That boy of yours must like to talk." Betty smiles. "Ya and laugh." You say. "You're lucky." Amber blushes once Niall climbs back into the van beside you.

"Thank you." You whisper to Niall when the car starts to drive again. "For what?" He asks, confused. "This, everything, I'm sorry I was being a brat earlier." You mumble. Niall laughs wrapping his arms around you. "It's okay you're my brat." He mumbles in your ear.

"There we go!" Jim smiles once he closes the gas tank of Niall's car. "Thank you so much." Niall says shaking Jims hand. "You're welcome." Jim says shaking your hand. You walk up to the van where Betty is sitting. "Thank you." You smile, waving to the kids. "Oh it was nothing." Betty says. "It was nice meeting you." Joey says. "It was nice meeting you too." You say. You walk back to Niall and Jim who stop talking when they see you approaching them. "Well you two have fun of your trip." Jim winks at Niall. Niall smiles. Jim gets back into the Van and you watch it drive away. "That was so weird." You smile once you're seated in Niall's car. He climbs in the car next and says "that was fun!" You turn to Niall and kiss his lips quickly. Niall smiles with his eyes closed when you part. "Let's go, we still have two hours to drive?" You ask. "Yes we do." Niall winks, starting the car.

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What's you favourite songs on Made in the A.M?!!

Mine are:
If I could fly
Never enough
I wanna write you a song ❤️

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