67: Your daughter gets her period

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"Hey love. We have an emergency. (Y/D/N) just got her period and I don't know how to deal with this. Please get home soon!" Niall says into the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way." You say hanging up. You can only imagine how nervous Niall is. You quickly pay for your groceries and walk out.

You open your home door and set the groceries in the kitchen. "Ni!" You shout. He walks out of the living room and faces you in the kitchen. "She thinks she's dieing." Niall says.

"And did you tell her she's not." You ask.

He nods nervously, "she's in her room."

You walk upstairs to your daughters room she's laying on her bed face down. "Hey sweetheart. It's mom." You say. She looks up with tears in her eyes. "What's going on?" She asks. "You're a woman love." You give her a small smile. "A woman? Oh wait. I got my period? That's what this is?" She asks sitting up. You nod.

You walk over to the bathroom with your daughter and tell her how to use a pad. She nods her cheeks a bit red.

"You'll get this every month now okay sweetie?" You smile. She nods, and her face breaks out into a smile. "Mom, you should have seen dads face." She giggles. You laugh, " was he scared?" "Yup." She grins looking in the mirror. You both laugh. "I'm going to call Becky and tell her!" Your daughter exclaims running over to her bedroom.

You walk over to Niall who sits in the living room. "I love you." You laugh sitting down next to him. "Stop laughing. I didn't know how to deal with this." Niall smiles wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "You're cute." You continue to laugh,  "you could have just told her she got her period. She learnt about it at school." "Whatever love. I just told her you'd be home soon." He smiles, "I love you too by the way."
Just a short one :)

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