70: He missed your childs event

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"You said that last time Niall." You told him into the phone. Your little boy Aaron will be playing his first soccer game! It's quiet a step for Aaron he's a bit shy but after some hard work at practice he's a little soccer playing leprechaun. "I mean it. I promise I'll be there." Niall said back. You could hear voices in the back meaning like usual Niall was going to have a late day at the studio. It's not that you hate Niall staying so late..you do but he's living his dream. Sometimes it hurts you to think that maybe he cares more about his career than his little family with you.
"Don't make promises you can't keep Niall." You warned. "Hey mommy can you come help me!?" Aaron shouted from his room. "I've got to go." You told Niall. "Alright. I'll see you soon." He said.

You hung up the phone and walked over to Aaron's room. He's so precious. He was sat on his bed in his little soccer uniform with a huge smile. He wiggled his feet gesturing that his shoes were untied. You tied them for him and kissed his forehead, "are you excited?" "Yup." He popped the p, "I want daddy to see." He smiled. You smiled at your son and grabbed his small cold hand,"Alrighty lets get going."

Almost immediately as the two of you got to the soccer field Aaron went running off to give his coach a high five and play with his friends. You look down at your phone. 5:48. The game starts at 6.

Once everything is set up and in order the whistle is blown and Aaron gets into his mid field position. He gets the ball, he runs with his tiny legs, he runs, he runs, and goal!! You couldn't help yourself. You jumped up and gave a little "yoooooo!"

About halfway into the game you couldn't help but notice Aaron kept looking in your direction...probably looking for Niall. You looked down at your phone, 6:55pm. The game ends in five minutes.

"Mommy. Daddy didn't come?" Aaron frowned at you. His forehead was sweaty from working so hard. "No I'm sorry, love. But you can tell him about shooting the goal at dinner!" You smiled stroking his cheek. He nodded wrapping his small hand in yours. The car ride home involved listening to a scooby doo cd and singing along with Aaron.

"Alright mommy, I'll put a plate for daddy." Aaron smiled. He refused to take off his soccer jersey. "Alright be careful." You smiled stirring some soup. After the two of you ate Aaron looked up at you with his big blue eyes, "Mommy, daddy isn't coming is he?" "He's late, love." You frowned. You yourself was getting quite pissed off at Niall for making your son so disappointed. "He's always late mommy. But he pinky promised me yesterday. He told me he'd come and he'd have number 8 on his forehead." Your son shrugged. You frowned. Aaron is a huge believer in pinky promises. He won't be talking to Niall today. You wash the dishes as Aaron watches some cartoons in the kitchen. Aaron insisted that Niall's plate would stay on the table.

You heard the front door open. "Hey bubby! How did the game go?" You heard Niall say. You didn't hear Aaron say anything except the volume of the tv got louder. Niall says a few other things to Aaron but you can't hear them. Arms wrapped around your waist. "He just walked away from me... It's been a long day." Niall mumbled into your shoulder. You wiggled out of his embrace, "Niall, you always say that." "I-" he began but you cut him off. "Aaron told me you made a pinky promise to come to his game...a pinky promise Niall. And I'm tired of you coming home late. We don't even talk. You get home, eat and go to bed. Aaron's upset and I'm sorry Niall but I am too. What's more important?" You crossed your arms. Of course you hated fighting with Niall but some things needed to be said. "(Y/N) I'm sorry. I'm trying." He told you. "You shouldn't be apologizing to me Niall." You frowned. "Just. Please don't be mad with me. That's the last thing I need. I love you so so much. I'm trying to provide for our family okay? Please don't ever think I care more about work than you. Please. You and Aaron are my whole world. I'll take a few days off the studio. We will all go on a road trip. I'm sorry I messed up again. I'm really really sorry." Niall frowned looking at you. You nodded. You love this man. "Okay. I'm not mad. I love you too. Go talk to our son." You said. Niall nodded leaning in to kiss your forehead before walking out of the kitchen.

After you dried the dishes you walked upstairs to your and Niall's room. You could hear Aaron and Niall laughing in Aaron's room. That's good. You changed into your pjs and climbed under the covers.

"Good night mommy love you." Aaron walked over to you in his ninja turtle pjs and kissed your cheek. "Night, Aaron. I love you more. Good job today. We can go get some ice cream after you're done school." You smiled flattening his dark hair. Aaron's eyes lit up, "alright mommy."

A few minutes pass until Niall walked back in. He stripped down to his boxers and layed under the covers beside you. "I'm sorry. I know how much you hate it when I come home late. I don't like feeling like you're upset with me." He told you. You rolled onto your side to face him, "It's fine." "No it's not. I've been a terrible husband to you. And I've been a terrible father too." He said closing his eyes. "Niall. You're not terrible. I understand you have a tough job. I just miss you." You shrugged cuddling to his chest. "I'm sorry." He frowned. "Would you stop with that?" You said cupping his cheek, "I'm not upset anymore." You said. "Okay. Do you want to talk about your day?" He asked wrapping an arm around you and pulling you to him. You glanced up and kissed him quickly, "what were you and Aaron laughing about?"
Niall smiled, "Just some uncle Louis stories. Aaron said he loved me too much to be angry for breaking a promise. I tried to explain that I was busy and he just nodded and gave me a small smile." Niall explained. You nodded then widened your eyes, "Ni? Did you eat?" "I had some snacks at the studio." He answered. "I can bring you some food." You suggested. "No it's alright. I'm okay where I am." He said kissing your forehead.
Thank you for reading! I hope everything is going well!

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