"I am going to take advantage of that free champagne over there," he said in your ear. "I'll be right back." He went over and grabbed two flutes of champagne and came back over. He clinked his glass with yours and took a sip. 

The glass was about halfway to your lips when you had this feeling someone was looking at you. You averted your eyes behind Ben...and there he was. Baseball cap vaguely hiding his eyes, his dark jacket clinging to him and he had it wrapped around him tightly. 

You hadn't noticed, but your glass started to slip through your fingers and it eventually fell with a crash to the floor. Ben jumped and looked at you to see you weren't phased at all. "[Y/N]?" He asked. He turned to see what you were looking at. 

"You son of a bitch!" He shouted at the man, before sprinting outside. The man ran quickly away, but Ben was hot on his heels. He reached several times for the hood that was flapping back against the wind, but the man suddenly did a pivot and ran into the bust London traffic, dodging each car and bus to get across the street. 

Ben stopped and watched him, hoping that by some miracle that a car would hit that asshole. Unfortunately, he watched as he got across the street and turned a corner. He loud grunt, he walked quickly and angrily back to the building. 

When he walked in, he saw you sitting on a chair and a few women fanning you. "What happened?" He asked. One of them told him you had fainted for a few seconds. He knelt down in front of you and pulled you in for a hug. 

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you," he said. "I swear to God if he comes near you again, I'll kill him." You took his face in your hands and said, "Don't say that. Thank you for going after him, though. You're my hero." 

He placed a kiss on your lips and smoothed down your hair. "Come on, let's get you home," he said, as he helped you stand up. You balanced yourself on him, then said, "I have to go back to work. I have too much to do."

He looked at you like you were crazy. "You just fainted," he said. "Not to mention that psycho is still out there!" You put your hand on his chest and said, "Ben, please. I can't just go home, not with everything I have to do."

Despite his ongoing protest, you went back to work. He walked you up to your office and made you promise to text him every hour and to let him know when you were ready to go home. There was no way in hell he was going to let you walk home alone.

It must have been a couple hours later when there was a knock on your office door. Your assistant came in with a bouquet of flowers. You smiled because Ben always knew how to make you feel better. You've never been so in love with someone. 

You plucked the card out that was in the center of the flowers and opened it. After reading it, you immediately dropped it and stumbled back. It was just two sentences; 

"You are mine. Never his."


"Well, Ms. [L/N], it would seem that you have a stalker," a policeman told you, as you sat with Ben on your office couch. You had called him immediately after dropping the card and he called the police. He came right over and hasn't let go of you since. 

As he continued to hold you, you scoffed at the policeman, "I could have told you that." Ben lightly shook you and gently scolded, "Stop it. They're just trying to help." After a few more questions and the flowers being taken in for evidence, Ben finally took you home. 

"I don't want you going in tomorrow," he told you as he unlocked the door. You sighed and told him, "Wasn't planning on it." He opened the door to let you in first, then turned on the lights. "Oh my God," you gasped when you saw the state of your home. 

Things were knocked over, turned upside down and smashed. The pictures of you and Ben were taken off the wall and thrown on the ground. Anything involving you both was completely destroyed. "Someone broke in," Ben said in disbelief. 

"Where's Harley?" You asked, worrying about the state of your dog than anything else. "Harley!" You walked around the house looking for him, but couldn't find him. Ben whistled and called for him, but nothing. "Ben, he better not have taken my damn dog!" You cried. 

He shushed you and held you. "We'll find him," he said. "Did you check the bedroom?" As quickly as you could, you ran upstairs with Ben right behind. Your room was destroyed, too...but it was only Ben's things that were turned over. Yours remained untouched. 

"Harley?" You called. Suddenly, you heard his collar jingle in the closet. You rushed over and turned on the closet light. He was huddled and shaking in the corner. "Oh, buddy," you softly cooed. 

He wouldn't budge. Ben eventually picked him up and carried him out, while you called the police. Ben set Harley on the bed (even though he wasn't allowed) and tried petting him to calm him down. As he was doing that, he spotted something on your pillow. 

He immediately recognized it as a rose pedal. 

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