Chapter 49

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"Oh my god." Javi mumbled, "what are you doing here?"

Jack was still- he hadn't seen her in so long but there wasn't a day he didn't think of her.

"I'm on a job." He said, looking her over as she pulled off the cap she was wearing. Javi nervously tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ears, conscious that the dark hair was not the best look for her.

"I'm also on a... did Matteo send you?" She asked, arching her brow. Jack nodded.

"To get photos of a person of interest." Jack replied and Javi laughed.

"Oh god, we've been had." She said, thinking it over.

"Your hair..." Jack said, taking a step towards her. Again, Javi ran her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah- Matteo insisted I shouldn't be recognized." Javi said before pointing to his beard.

"The beard is new. It's nice." Javi said and Jack shook his head.

"Matteo gave me the same speech. It's not my favorite look." Jack said.

"It looks good." Javi replied, thinking that anything could look good on this man.

"I'll keep it if you like it." Jack said without thinking. Javi took a step back and shrugged.

"That's up to you." She said awkwardly, looking down at the ground and noticing her gun.

"I guess Matteo was trying to pull a fast one." She said, bending over to pick up the gun. Jack stared at her for a moment.

"Javi... I miss you." He said, startling her. Her eyes dashed up at him, noticing his eyes hadn't left her for a second. "I miss you- I miss you so much it hurts. I miss you."

He repeated the words moving towards Javi and scooping her up and for a moment Javi didn't react.

"It's been so long." She muttered, feeling his warmth envelope her.

"Too long- damn it, Javi. You might not hear it but I'm always talking to you. Always hoping you'll hear me wherever you are." Jack said, holding her tightly, his eyes closed.

Javi drew in a sharp breath- she was always talking to him. Always talking out loud and describing the things she saw and did.

"Jack- please..." She mumbled, trying to remember why she had walked away before but it was all a blur as he began to place kisses on her forehead and cheeks impulsively. Javi's breathing became erratic as she could feel his lips come closer and closer to hers.

"Javi- please..." He begged. "I've missed every part of you- your skin, your eyebrows, your ears and the way you smell. I've missed how loud you are, how you're always jumping around... god, I miss fighting with you."

Jack wasn't sure what got into him- but he couldn't stop himself. It felt impossible to have her this close after so much time and not pull her into his arms.

Javi panicked and she began to push away.

"No." She said with a soft shove but he held her closer and planted the type of kiss on her lips which had completely undone her one hundred times over.

Oh god- what a wonderful discovery. She wasn't immune to him at all, he could still drive her mad and so she wrapped her arms around his neck allowing him to crush her lips hungrily. Oh god- how she had missed this.

Jack pulled away for a second and they stared at each other, catching their breaths. Everything had happened so quickly- was it the adrenaline? One minute she was chasing a person of Interest and the next she was in Jack's arms? She'd thought about this more times than she could count.

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