Chapter 30

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Jack pulled Javi close as he shifted in the bed, her body proving very soft and yielding. She was smooth and smelled like soap... and for a few seconds he enjoyed it.

Until he realized that he was lying in bed with Javi.

He sat up and looked at her, lying next to him naked. Why was she naked?

He moved out of the bed, looking around a little frantically and then turning back towards her... and pulling the covers over her. He closed his eyes and put a hand over them... what?! He was fully dressed... so what was going on? As he looked around he noticed a discarded towel on the nightstand and bunched up in the corner, a robe she must have wiggled out of while she slept. Had she climbed onto the bed while he was sleeping?

He put his hands in his hair, watching her sleep on her stomach, her blonde hair carelessly tousled around her.

Had he reached out for her while they slept?

He'd certainly enjoyed holding her right now. God, he had enjoyed holding her. He needed to cool off. Jack shook his head and looked around- it was early. They'd slept clear through the night. He froze as he heard her stir... shit, she would wake up, she'd stand up- damn it. Why wasn't that girl modest at all? She should have at least worn undergarments under the robe... Maybe she'd meant to put them on but was too tired.

He shook his head again and reached for his wallet and the room key. He needed to go for a walk and clear his mind.


"Hey!" Javi said, standing and moving towards the door when she heard it open.

"Hey." Jack said, locking the door without looking at her, half afraid she'd still be naked.

"Where have you been?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"I went to go pick up a few things we need today." he said, tossing a bag at her. Javi raised a brow.

"What things...." She began but her voice trailed off when she pulled the bikini out of the bag. "What's this?"

"We are going out on Andre Cabot's yacht in half an hour so get ready." Jack said, finally looking at her and noticing she was wearing a pair of leggings and a tee shirt. He let out that sigh he'd been holding since before he waked in through the door.

Javi raised her eyebrow and stared at him.

"What do you mean we're going out on his yacht?" She asked.

"I meant to tell you yesterday but we fell asleep." Jack said, looking through his things. "He wanted us to join him and his sister- of course, after you had a chance to rest."

"I don't know if I could face him." Javi said, turning pink.

"I don't think he'd mention it at all." Jack said. Javi looked down at the bikini.

"Umm... I don't have anything to wear on a yacht. It wasn't on the list." She said, moving towards her bag.

"That's why I bought you that this morning." He said, finally turning to face her and noticing she was already pulling off her shirt. "Why don't you go try that on in the restroom?"

"Okay but I should warn you that I've never worn a swim suit like this before." Javi said, raising her brow and moving in that direction.

"Don't tell me you're shy." Jack said, shaking his head. How in the world could that girl be shy?

"No- I'm sure it will be fine..." She called from beyond the restroom door. "Maybe I'm just a little too thin right now." She then muttered more to herself, looking at the swimsuit.

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