Chapter 6

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"A woman?" Jack repeated. Matteo chuckled.

"I know- I never expected to bring a woman i to this part of the business." Matteo said, his voice low.

"To do Sergio's job?" Jack asked.

"Something like that." Matteo replied.

There was a litle silence as Jack tried to must the courage to ask about the elephant in the room...

"No, it's not like that either." Matteo replied before Jack could speak.

"So then why?" Jack asked. "Why a woman? One you don't even know so well? One who can't shoot?"

"It sounds strange, I know, but you haven't seen everything I've seen." Matteo said, explaining about the night with the bike, the incident at his house, the chase Friday and today.

Jack was startled- that girl did all that?

"A stapler?" Jack asked in shock after a few minutes. Matteo chuckled.

"Yeah, a fucking stapler." Matteo said. Jack frowned, he still didn't like the idea of some woman who might go into hysterics at any moment.

"Just who the hell is this girl?" Jack asked. Matteo sighed.

They both turned and looked at Javi, who had risen to walk around the room as she stretched.  She stopped, eventually, in front of the surgical tray and picked up the scalpel which had almost been used on her.

At first she just stared at it, holding it closely in front of her face, scrutinizing it, then, to their surprise, she continued to walk around the room, twirling the scalpel within her fingers casually as if it were a pen.

"No one- it seems she really is just no one." Matteo said.

"Well, at least we have that in our favor."

Javi didn't move when she heard the doorknob begin to turn.

She had been sitting for hours, waiting and calculating how she could escape. The first thing she needed to when she was out, was go find Matteo Peroni. She was certain he could offer her protection.

She had been meticulously thinking out ways this could all go down-if there was one man, if there were two, if there was one inside or one out, if they dragged her into the hall... if-if-if. She felt like she needed to be prepared for every possible if.

Then she heard it, the clicking of the doorknob again and she quickly picked up the scalpel she'd been toying with.

For a second, she considered hiding behind the door but then decided against it. When the door swung open and hit the wall, she realized she had been right in thinking it foolish.

"Hello Javi."

"Motherfucker!" She let the words spill out of her mouth as she saw Matteo Peroni enter the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked, moving to stand across from her at the desk, his hands crossed behind his back.

"You motherfucker! I should have fucking known!" She said, tossing the scalpel on the floor angrily. Javiera stomped her feet angrily, turning red as she threw a tantrum.

"I'm sorry- I know this must be a shock but if you just let me explain." Matteo began to say calmly but Javi just turned to look at him, eyes wide.

"A shock? A shock? Oh my god! Are you insane? Are you positively out of your mind?" She said, so angry that she couldn't really control herself. Javi turned to face the back wall, trying to control her breathing. She'd been pretty good at controlling that fiery temper of hers but this was too much.

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