Chapter 9

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Javi had tried- she really did and somehow here she was. In a dive bar with Sandra, her boyfriend, and two other people who she knew casually because of work. To Sandra it was no surprise that Javi did not have any other friends... this was pretty much the as close as it got.

Javi had said no nearly twenty times during the week. Even as they closed up the shop today and Javi turned in her keys she said no.

So how did she end up here? A combination of pouting, insisting and eventually, four people practically dragging them in here.

It wasn't an ugly bar, although Javi was not one to frequent bars. It wasn't overly small- in fact, it reminded Javi of Moe's bar. Yeah, the Simpsons. Which was bizarre to say the least but still, she sat in a booth, trying to be amiable even if she was completely out of her element. To someone like Javi, who valued physical fitness as a priority, drinking to point where one was passing out was not an option. Yet, here she was, watching Sandra and her boyfriend, and Steve and Kevin the guy who decorated cakes, get completely sloshed.

The night had begun with a series of no thank yous every time someone offered her a shot and then had moved on to just No.

"Javi- I don't think I've ever seen you out of your work uniform." Steve said, his speech slurring. Javi laughed.

"That can't be true." Javi said, taking a sip of her beer. The truth was that even though Javi cared greatly about her fitness, it didn't mean she didn't drink... she was just much more careful about it.

"Even right now, you're still sort of wearing your uniform." Sandra said, making everyone laugh. It was true, Javi was still wearing the white shirt. Sure, it was no longer buttoned, revealing a black shirt underneath, and the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows but she was still wearing it.

"Then I should take it off? Sorry- I'm not familiar with the socially acceptable dress code." Javi said jokingly as she stood.

"What are you doing?" Sandra asked, watching as Javi tied the shirt around her waist.

"What?" Javi asked.

"What year is this?" Sandra said. "a shirt tied around the waist."

"I don't want to loose it." Javi said, tightening the knot and sitting down. Sandra stared at her for moment.

"You have a very small waist." Sandra said, blatantly staring. Javi raised a brow, not sure how to react to that.

"Ugh... Thanks?" Javi said, shaking her head. It was getting so weird. Javi carefully canvassed the room, looking for a back door she could sneak out of. She was done, ready to be out of the sloppy drunk dive bar but a familiar face, scowling at her from the bar caught her eye.

"Wow, hottie is totally checking you out." Kevin said, signalling with his drink at Jack. Javi sighed.

"Yeah, right. Excuse me." She said, sliding out of the booth and making her way near him.

Javi approached the bar and signaled for the bartender.

"One." She said, holding up her nearly empty beer bottle.

"Should you really be drinking?" Jack said, not turning to look at her and instead looking up at the TV screen.

"I should have known someone would be following me." Javi said coldly.

"Keeping you out of trouble isn't my dream job." he replied.

"Who said I need you to keep me out of trouble?" She asked. Jack shrugged.

"What about when drunk guy next to you gets too friendly?" He said. Javi raised a brow and turned to look at Kevin, who was suddenly excited as a song came on.

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