Chapter 48

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Two Years Later...
Viviana stepped into the long open corridor of the house in absolute surprise.

She had seen photos- Matteo had shown her plenty of photos, and Bianca a few others but they hardly did it justice. The house was amazing and located right on the beach.

The house itself was no very large- a two story brick home with six main bedrooms and a smaller house to the side, but it was spacious and featured many wide, open spaces- the most fantastic being this one which faced the ocean.

Sicily was a small island and as far as she knew they were not far from Palermo, of course, she had been busy trying to tend to Davide as he had been fussy since they landed and did not get to see much on the way here.

Now he finally slept and two older housekeepers stood over Matteo who was carrying him, gushing over how handsome he was and how much he looked like master Matteo.

The woman, like this house, had been with the family since Matteo's father was just a young man.

"What do you think?" Matteo asked, wrapping two arms around Viviana as she stared out onto the beautiful waters.

"This is amazing- I can't believe it." Viviana said. Matteo kissed her cheek.

"It's all ours- yours and mine." He said, moving away and giving a few orders left and right. Viviana smiled thinking this was quite a nice summer home.

She couldn't believe they had finally made it out here- two years of nothing but cancer free results and only recently the clean bill of health. She was perfect and as promised, The first thing Matteo did was bring his family to Sicily.

"Vivi." He said, getting Viviana's attention from across the room and signaling for her to come closer. He was standing next to the two older women and a young girl- 19 or 20- who was now holding the sleeping Davide.

"Viviana, I want to introduce you to our staff- This is Francesca- she handles the kitchen and Amara who is in charge of the cleaning staff. And this is Marina, Francesca's niece who will be helping us with Davide." He said. Viviana noticed all three women smiled genuinely and kindly- especially the younger one who was holding Davide with particular care, something that warmed her heart.

"I'm going to leave Mrs. Peroni in your care for a few hours so you can put her up to speed." Matteo said in Italian before turning to Viviana.

"Already off on your own, Mr. Peroni?" Viviana asked with a grin placing her arms around his neck.

"It can't be helped. I have a wrong to right and it's way overdue." He said, kissing her lightly before walking away.

Javi hung up the phone with a sigh and then turned to look out the window of her hotel suite. She had an amazing view of a large piazza in Milan.

She had been there for about two weeks, taking some personal time.

When she'd finished her last job, about a year ago, she'd decided to stay on in Italy for a bit, spending time in Florence- which she adored- and Rome. She'd even done a stint in Bologna. It was amazing the sort of luxuries she could afford with the way Matteo paid her but still- she couldn't reconcile herself to stay in the luxurious resorts around her.

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