Chapter 12

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"What I'm allowed to drive?" Javi asked, confused.

"Yes." Jack said simply. Javi stared at him.

"Do you purposely avoid giving me information so that I can ask a hundred questions?" She asked, rather annoyed. Jack sighed.

"I'm not a big talker." He said.

"I hadn't noticed." She said sarcastically, "But fill me in now and there will be less to talk about later."

"it's not like your not allowed to have your own car. You can own whatever you want but when your working, there are specific models we are allowed to use... depending on where we are." Jack said.

"Like in the city or circuit?" She asked.

"Here it's always the same, black." He said.

"You guys love your black on black." She murmured.

"It's discreet." He said. "But you and I are different."

"I keep hearing that." She said, making him scowl.

"Do you want to hear this or not?" He asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes. Sorry." She said.

"You and I won't be in the circuit or city all the time." he said. "a lot of the time, you'll be in your own vehicle."

"And on a job?" She asked.

"You will need to get something according to who you are supposed to be and what you are supposed to be doing." Jack said. "La famiglia will give you what you need to procure it."

"okay." Javi said, "But what does this have to do with what I'm allowed to drive?"

"Because, Javi- you've been assigned a vehicle for use while you're here." he said. Javi smiled.

"Like this one?" She asked but Jack didn't respond, instead he pulled into a parking garage and turned off the engine.

"Sort of." he said, getting out of the car. Javi followed quickly.

"sort of?" She asked, moving to catch up to him but she stopped.

"This la famiglia's collection." He said, giving her a moment to take it in.

"That's a lot of black SUVs and cars." She said.

"Yes. These are all for business." He said as she they began to walk past the seemingly interminable rows of vehicles.

"Which one is mine?" She asked.

"Where are your keys?" He asked, his hands in his pockets as they continued to walk.

"I knew one of these had to be a car key. It's too strange to be anything else." She said, pulling it out.

"Good, now we just have to figure out which is yours." He said, stopping and making Javi look up.

"No fucking way." She said, looking ahead of her.

"Funny, I thought the same thing." He said.

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