Chapter 150: The End?

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Chapter 150: The End?

I watched the guardians disappear into the Black Hole. I saw them get swallowed by a million stars.

I sighed.

Then I screamed.

I screamed because Headmaster Mickey had body slammed me.

Yes body slammed.

I wish I were exaggerating. I also wish that I gracefully escaped. But I didn't. Believe you me –Mickey Mouse was a WHOLE lot stronger than Mr. Walt Disney let on. He was also extremely scrappy. That mouse had the stamina of a lion. As I scrambled for dear life, I considered Minnie a lucky girl.

"Holy crow!" I gasped, sprinting around the castle. My laptop bounced. The keyboard blurred as I tried to type. "Holy crow, holy crow, holy fucking mother of crows!"

"Stop!" Headmaster Mickey darted after me. "I know who you are! Lowercase s! Storyteller! sultal!"

I ran harder. Headmaster Mickey chased, but I was faster and I could multitask (the perks of being a Millennial: multitasking equals life). The multitasking was tricky, but I managed a sloppy message to my fellow fanfictioners, begging them to write me out of Fantasia.

For those that don't remember, my name is sultal (and I spell it with a LOWERCASE "s"). I am the author of the Fantasia series, and this was my second time entering the fanfiction.

How did I enter a fanfiction? Well, I used a magical-mathematical algorithm created by my best friend, Micatony. Basically, the magical algorithm downloaded magical coordinates onto my magical laptop to unlock a magical portal into a magical land.

Lots of magicals.

I had visited Fantasia once before – I appeared at the end of the first book, Taking Fantasia. Now that Giving Fantasia was through, I decided to return.

Headmaster Mickey was less than welcoming. He almost captured me. However, the moment Headmaster Mickey seized my laptop, three fanfiction writers from planet Earth wrote me out. By 'writing me out' these writers provided three coordinates (three directional points) that transported me home.

I whacked the ENTER key. My body dissolved into pixilated dust. The last thing I saw was Headmaster Mickey accidentally chipping the 'G' from my keyboard.

Not good. I thought as the computer dumped me through cyberspace. They have a piece of my world. A piece of me is in Fantasia.

Why was that bad?

It was bad because the "G" – the key from my laptop that chipped off – was part of my name. Not sultal, my penname.

The "G" was part of my real name.

Micatony warned me never to share my real name. Your real name anchors you to the real world. Your real name separates you from fantasy, and protects you against fictional characters... fictional characters that think storytellers are villains.

Your real name is powerful.

And if someone in the fanfiction world ever discovered your name...


It was dark when I landed. The cyber network had hurled me to an empty college classroom, one that I frequented during the semester when I wanted to write. My fellow fanfictioners (Micatony, Ladyanne23, and tesaria – formally HeartofGold7) were not present. That was surprising: I would have expected Mic (Micatony) to crucify me the second I arrived.

Giving Fantasia: The Taking Fantasia SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora