Chapter 15: Dragon 1. Wendy 0.

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Chapter 15: Dragon 1. Wendy 0.

"All right. On the count of three. One...two...three - "


Wendy, Vinny, Fawn, and B.E.N. vaulted backwards. They slammed into the cavern, four in a row. The cavern shook. Stalactites crumbled. Rubble dumped over their heads.

And the pixies cheered.

Wendy was not having a good day. In fact, she was rather cranky. Her nightmares were worse than ever, and in two days she'd hardly slept. When she did sleep (10 minutes here, 15 minutes there), she woke up so nauseous she couldn't eat. Her stomach was growling; Her head was pounding; And Wendy was particularly irritated when Tinkerbell called her 'an old maid' to celebrate her late birthday. Charming Tinkerbell. Very witty.

On top of everything, Wendy had just been trounced by a dragon. But not just any dragon. According to Fawn (her animal specialist), this dragon was a night fury. And according to the night fury's reaction, he was hopping mad. The dragon took one look at Wendy and bombarded the cavern with plasma torpedoes.

Thus, Wendy was not having a good day.

"Wow-za!" B.E.N. popped from the debris. "Is he mad!"

"That..." Fawn winced, holding her back. "Could have gone a lot smoother!"

"Badda-boom." Vinny agreed. He lay spread eagle. He refused to move.

Wendy picked herself from the rubble. Removing her goggles, she glared across the cavern walls.

The pixies had assembled in amphitheater-like seating. They were on lunchbreak, and had decided to watch Wendy try her hand at dragon training. Dragon training was Wendy's newest pursuit, and it was hilarious.

All the pixies were cheering. Some were laughing. Most brought snacks. Tinkerbell waved a sign.


"Lovely." Wendy muttered as Peter's shadow chuckled at the sign. "The idea..."

Hands on hips, Wendy glanced. The aforementioned dragon had retreated, but he was snarling. Wendy did not speak dragon, but she was certain his comments were vulgar.

"Do it again!" Tinkerbell and Vidia tossed popcorn at the dragon. "Blast them again!"

Popcorn bounced. Confused, the dragon spit plasma flames. The pixies hooted. They threw more junk food.

Wendy was horrified. "No, don't do that he's - ohhhhhh!"

Wendy marched furiously to her hat. She grabbed the bowler and stuffed it on her head.

"When will they learn!?" she snapped, returning to Vinny, Fawn, and B.E.N., "This is not a game! Dragons are living things! Not monsters! And certainly not entitled to public humiliation for the purpose of cheap amusement and - "

"Well that living thing," said Fawn. "Just kicked our butts. And I'm pretty sure he wants to eat them too."

The shadow looked at the dragon. It covered its rump.

Wendy frowned at the pixies. When the jeering settled, she joined her co-workers at the rubble barricade. Together, they spied.

The night fury was gorgeous. Savage, but gorgeous. His body was slender, sleek, and plated with black scales. He reminded Wendy of an eel - an eel with retractable razor teeth and killer plasma flames.

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