Chapter 87: The Knight Errant

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Chapter 87: The Knight Errant

What, what, what, what, WHAT? Fairytale characters? Santa? Easter Bunny? Toothfairy? Sandman? Strange girl? Stranger man? Captain Hook – Lana -- Facilier – back from the dead? Magical reindeer? Flying AWAY from Fantasia? Fairytale characters? SANTA?

Ariel handled her astonishment well.

She seized North's beard and pulled.

It was the most bizarre experience. Ariel was perfectly aware that she was wrestling Santa Clause. Please – red coat, white beard, flying reindeer? Dead giveaway. 

Ariel was surprised but unconcerned. The resurrection of Fantasia's old enemies sufficiently overrode the fact that she'd been rescued by four fairytale characters. The Jolly Roger was headed for land– Captain Hook's villains were trying to take Fantasia. Again.

So, risking permanent placement on Santa's Naughty List, Ariel tackled North. She crawled over his shoulder and snatched the reins, desperately trying to direct the sleigh back to Fantasia.

"Shostakovich!" North yelped as the reindeer scattered and the sleigh plunged. Schmendrick grabbed Kayley as the sleigh's rear runners slapped the ocean, bounced into the air, and toppled over waves. The pair hurled into Tooth, who vaulted into Sandman, who bumped dizzily into Bunny as the rabbit seized Ariel's middle.

"Get off! Off! Get off him you little sheila! Let g – Cripes!" Bunny ducked as Ariel slashed her trident, nearly poking his eye. The electrical discharge heated the tips of his ears as she swung about, reaching for the reins.

"Rimsky!" North yowled, swerving back and forth as the sleigh zigzagged for the ocean. Throwing a shoulder at Ariel's chin, he wrenched upwards at the last second. "Rimsky Korsakov! Tooth! Bunny! Sandy! What is problem?!"

"This – sheila!" Bunny hefted Ariel, trident and all. She kicked as Bunny shoved her between Kayley and Schmendrick. "This little sheila Tooth snuck aboard! Tooth, are your teeth loose? What were you thinking – she's a Fantasian – WHOA!"

Bunny veered, caught by surprise. Ariel had lunged again for North. Both Sandman and Bunny reacted, forcing Ariel into her seat. Bunny raised his boomerangs, threatening a second strike, but Tooth fluttered frantically between them.

"Wait, wait, wait! Everybody hold onto your molars, she's on our side! I think! I don't know, she saved me from the crazy  villain –"

"Ruber!" Kayley called as Ariel struggled to stand. "His name was Ruber! Ruber killed my mother and father, and he's going to steal Caliburn AND kill The Ki--"

"Well whoever she is--!" Bunny shouted. "Get that bloody fork away from her! I've had enough of Fantasians for one night! Drop her off at the next iceberg, she's going to get us all killed!"

Ariel snarled. Popping up, she aimed her trident directly at Bunny. I don't want to stab you Peter Cotton Tail BUT I WILL!

Her message was transparent.

Bunny's lip curled. And his tail – a little cottonish – bristled. "Are you threatening me, sheila?"

Ariel flicked her trident. Electricity flashed as the shaft exchanged hands, whisking left to right, improving her attack angle. Assuming the maneuver was an adequate affirmation, Ariel glowered. 

Giving Fantasia: The Taking Fantasia SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora