Chapter 124: Fairytale

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Chapter 124: Fairytale

"Is that...Avalon?"

Kayley nudged Schmendrick. She waited uncertainly has he surveyed the frosty wilderness.

"I think so." Schmendrick scratch his hat. Mini icicles twinkled off the brim. "At least, we followed the same directions – Avalon is due north, almost touching the North Pole across the sea. I remember The King saying before we left... 'To Avalon! Follow the Wishing Star!'"

All eyes flicked upwards. Even Garrett envisioned the Wishing Star behind the snowy clouds.

"But remember..." Schmendrick murmured. "Twas not I that found Avalon. The King and Master Emrys showed me the way. So I think this forest is Avalon. I suppose..."

Again Schmendrick scanned the white vista. Everything was covered in snow. He shrugged.

"I suppose we'll know once we find Odette. If we find Odette. I wonder if she is still a That could complicate things. Perhaps the moonlight will reveal her true form, as it did before?"

"Remind us." Garrett shifted aside Kayley. "Who is Odette?"

"The Lady of the Lake." Schmendrick replied. "Odette is a magical creature. She guarded Caliburn for 100 years before it disappeared. Odette also prophesized the return of The Once and Future King."

Schmendrick glanced wistfully at Arthur. The boy was shivering in Shrek's arms. His hair was nearly white. He was frozen as the icicles on Schmendrick's hat. 

Schmendrick rubbed his nose. He pitied Arthur – Elsa's curse had wasted the boy's strength. If Arthur did not win Elsa's true love soon...

"Regardless," Schmendrick forced himself to focus on Avalon. "Our quest is to find The Lady of the Lake. Now, I accidentally magicked Odette into a swan, so this may get tricky-sticky very quickly."

Devon and Cornwall grimaced. "Uck. Swan soup."

"Well that's...not what I meant."

"That's what we thought."

"Aww, you two shared thought." Kayley smiled over her shoulder. "Progress."

Aiden chuckled. Devon and Cornwall tried to disintegrate him, but they blew soot instead.

"Shh!" Blue magic fluttered from Schmendrick as he silenced the dragons. Uncharacteristically solemn, he waved at the enchanted woodland. "Be warned, all of you! This is not a laughing matter! If this forest is indeed Avalon, then we are about to enter a magical, magical realm. We are about to enter... a fairytale."

"Fairytale?" Kayley scanned the soundless wood. Perhaps it was her imagination, but something seemed to glimmer beneath the snow, within the forest's heart. Entranced, she followed Schmendrick across the way. "What do you mean fairytale?"

"Ah, fairytale." Schmendrick crunched through snowdrifts. Ducking under the silver boughs and golden foils, he led them into the enchanted wood. "What is a fairytale without a once upon a time? And what is a once upon a time...without a campfire story?"

The campfire was tended after a fruitless search for Odette.

Evening melted into night. Arthur was bundled by the fire. Kayley snuggled into Garrett. Devon sat with Cornwall. Aiden perched above Shrek. And as the little band settled for Schmendrick's fairytale, the snowfall stopped. Wind swept aside the clouds. The moon glowed like a pearl.

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