Chapter 140: Boy, Why Are You Crying?

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Chapter 140: Boy, Why Are You Crying?

Peter had three modes: confident, carefree, and angry.

He regarded Ariel with the latter.

"Triton get that fork out of my face!"

Ariel had infinite modes. But she regarded Peter with her favorite: friendly aggression.

"Haha! Come on Peter." Ariel withdrew her trident, but not before tapping Peter's chin. "Don't be such a guppy!"

Peter shoved. The trident scraped harmlessly across the stone parapet. "You quit being the guppy. This is dumb. So dumb. Crummy castle. Just so you know, I can fly away whenever I want. Not like you're actually keeping me here."

"I know!" Ariel chirped. "But you gotta stay. Jim wants to speak with you."

"When Hell freezes."

"Arthur also wants to see us!"



"Define us."

"Seriously?!" Ariel ruffled Peter's hair. She giggled as Peter swatted her away. "Who do you think? Us! The Big Four! The Power Tower! The fantastic Fantasian guardians of Outerworld, Skyworld, Seaworld, and Under – "

Underworld. Wendy.

"Knock it off!" Peter turned a full circle, trying to avoid a sudden panic. It didn't work. He threw his dagger and stomped on it. The sole of his neon sneaker split, which made Peter angrier.

"Argh! Geeze! Darn it, Ariel! Is it too late to lose your voice again? Can't wait until realm separation! Then I won't have to hear you talk!"

"Nice Peter. Classy."

"You actually believe the guardians are a team?" Peter slashed a hand. "Think again! We're not a team! We are nothing! Nothing!"

"You talking about us?" Jim entered the stone archway. He crossed defensively between Ariel and Peter. "Or you and Wendy?"

"Me a-nd-We -? You son of a -" Peter fumed. He kicked his dagger and caught it midair. "That's enough!"

"Come again?"

"I said enough!" Peter burst. His emotional filter broke and the hot, toxic feelings spread. "Enough of this! Enough of you! ENOUGH! Wendy is not yours!"

Peter buzzed in midair, completely livid with Ariel, Jim, and himself.

Mostly himself. Actually, all of himself.

Peter told Wendy. He told her his secret. He said I love you. Never had Peter felt so vulnerable! So hopeful! So ready to kill himself if Wendy didn't say 'I love you,' back!

This was a new feeling and it hurt! It was garbage! Before, it was Wendy loves ME.Wendy will marry ME.I make the decisions. – I make the rules. – That way, I have nothing to lose because I refuse not to win. Peter was unprepared to feel so defenseless. His very existence seemed at jeopardy.

Self-glorification was not enough anymore. Fangirl praise was not enough anymore. Peter needed Wendy's admiration. Peter needed Wendy's affirmation. Peter needed Wendy.

Without her, he was nothing.

"Rattail." said Peter. "Get out of my way. I'm going to love that girl whether you give me permission or not. But if you want to fight for her, trust me, I will win."

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