Chapter 69: Jim's Wish

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Chapter 69: Jim's Wish


Jim had roamed the galaxies. He had been stunned by universes feasible only in fantasy.

But Ariel was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Ariel..." Somehow Jim found the strength to speak. "Ariel. You look..."

Irresistible. Breathtaking. Beyond belief. Ariel blew the wind right out of Jim's sails.

Her outfit was simple: a high-collar, open-back dress with leather belt and boots, but the color was different: turquoise. Jim was surprised (and a little wobbly-kneed): Ariel usual wore purple. For some reason the turquoise made her sparkle.

"Wow." Jim repeated, unable to put her to words. "Ariel"

Shyly, Ariel smoothed a stray lock. The gesture softened Jim's insecurities – Ariel was oblivious to her beauty. Both she and Jim were still amazed by each other, still amazed by their luck. Their love was still a dream too good to be true.

"Uhm...this..." Swallowing his nerves, Jim handed Ariel a clear corsage box. He nodded at the violet waterlily inside. "This is for you."

Ariel covered her mouth, delighted. Practically singing, she pointed to her hair and mouthed.

"Yeah." Smiling, Jim opened the box. Careful of the translucent petals, he wove the flower behind Ariel's ear. "For your hair. I know purple is...your favorite..."

Jim was intoxicated. Unable to wait an instant longer, he kissed. Ariel returned, and it took a monumental effort to pull them back to earth.

That, and three evil giggles.

Leaning, Jim looked over his shoulder. "Mike. Lilo. Stitch. Scram."

Three pairs of eyes (under three pairs of devil horns) darted from the window. As the children thundered away, Jim sympathized with Wendy. So this was how it felt to be under the gun.

"Sorry." Jim massaged Ariel's waist. "Little brother plus Thing One and Thing Two. I invited them over for game night. Ironically I thought it would take the heat off you and me...."

Soundlessly Ariel laughed. Still new to this brother thing, aren't cha? Expertly, she dictated. Siblings put the heat ON you! It's their job!

Jim heard Michael and Lilo snickering behind the door.

"No such thing as privacy, huh? In that case I'll get John and Michael to double team Wendy for me."

Jim had spoken jokingly, but Ariel suddenly averted eye contact.

He frowned. "What's wrong?"

Innocently Ariel shrugged, but she twisted a strand of hair – one of her nervous habits.

Jim tried to alleviate. "Well...if you're thinking about this morning...I took your advice. You know...tried to lighten up about the whole Pan infatuation thing. I asked Wendy to bring Peter to game night."

Ariel started. Really?

Jim grimaced, the request still rancid in his mouth. "Yeah and it sucked. Thank god Wen said no – apparently they're having dinner tonight. But she should be back by twelve and its seven now so –"

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