Chapter 60: Pitch Attack

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Chapter 60: Pitch Attack

Tulio did not need ANY more stress. Ever since Ruber's mutiny and the Boogie Man's arrival, he'd been a puddle of nerves. Ruber threatened to kill treacherous sailors, Sinbad was peer-pressuring everyone to defect, Captain Hook's army prowled between the ships like zombies, and Pitch Black was just scary.

On top of EVERYTHING, they were NOW taking Fantasia.


Tulio pitied himself. It was HARD being a pirate – especially a pirate captained by Sinbad. Every day was literally a near-death-experience. A.k.a., stress.

"Please, oh mother loving Aztec queen." Broodingly, Tulio slackened Sinbad's lifeline. "For the love of all that glitters like gold: No. More. Stress."

"I say! Tulio!"

As Miguel flounced aside him, Tulio groaned. Great. Stress aggravator numero uno: best –buddy-partner-in-crime-life-can-be-beautiful Miguel.

"What Miguel?"

Clearly unperturbed by Tulio's tone (or that Captain Hook and Pitch were lurking nearby), Miguel flicked his spyglass.

"Tulio, do you see that? Out to sea, 5 degrees east? Here – have a look through my spyglass. It's brilliant!"

"Miguel." Tulio hissed, eyes widening meaningfully at Pitch and Captain Hook. "We're supposed to be monitoring Sinbad's lifeline! Creepy and creepier are watchingggggg..."

"Oh yes, yes, but look! Look, look!" Oblivious to Hook and Pitch, Miguel brandished the spyglass. "Have a peek Tulio, just once! You've never seen anything like it! Over there, just 5 degrees east! A FLYING MOTORCYCLE!"

"...come again?"

"A FLYING – " Miguel flittered like a bird. "—MOTORCYCLE! Here! Do yourself a favor! Loooooooooook!"

"You've been drinking your own pee again, haven't you?"

"Just look!"

Unenthusiastically, Tulio accepted the spyglass.

"Miguel." he muttered, simultaneously loosening Sinbad's lifeline and raising the spyglass. "I swear if we get in trouble for this I'm going to feed you to the --- whoa."

Tulio blinked. He lowered the spyglass. Flummoxed, he replaced it against his eye.

"Atzec mother!" Dumbly, Tulio gawked through he lens. "That's a flipping flying motorcycle!"

"Tally ho!" cried Miguel. He started salsa dancing with delight. "Tally, tally ho!"

"What the freaking frack is that?" Tulio tracked the flying motorcycle. As it's riders paused over the sea, money signs cha-chinged in Tulio's eyes. "A flying motorcycle. HOW can we get a piece of that action? Gizmo like that must be worth a fortune."

 "Hm? Oh! I know!" Jubilantly, Miguel started waving at the flying motorcycle.

"Maybe we can lure them aboard! What say you – try our hand at swindling?" Miguel added a hop to his wave. "Try to act friendly, Tulio! Hello! Ahoy! This way! Over yonder! Come here!"

"Miguel!" Tulio wacked him with the spyglass. He panicked as Pitch and Captain Hook drew near. "Miguel, shut up! We're supposed to be lying low remember? We are invading! Plus – they could be dangerous!"

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