Chapter 65: The Little Mistress

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Chapter 65: The Little Mistress

Ariel had one word on her mind: fish.

And since the plural of fish was fish, Ariel had 'one word' but, fish on her mind. She needed to summon her fishy friends and she needed to do it fast.

Her unofficial conference with King Arthur had confirmed Ariel's suspicions that she, Wendy, Peter, and Jim were doing a rotten job as guardians. True, they were newbies and they hadn't much experience working together but GOSH! Arthur had revised (and improved) their scouting plan in three seconds!

Moreover, Arthur's council had made horrifying sense! Peter was a cocky peacock: he shouldn't have been sent to scout the Vikings! Jim was a time bomb with daddy issues: he shouldn't have been sent to scout Sinbad! And sure Wendy was sensible, but realistically how could she stop Jim? The chic weighed maybe 100 pounds wet! Ariel should have taken jurisdiction over the sea. Wendy would have served better in the Otherland, where caution was needed.

Lamentingly, Ariel twirled her trident. Gosh again! They were lousy guardians! They were useless as a bunch of guppies (no offense Flounder).

It was a sobering and aggravating journey home for Ariel Triton. But luckily, of all the guardians, Ariel was the most intuitive thinker. Her emotions were turbulent, but she listened and studied each one. Rather than disconnect with her feelings, she felt them. Completely.

Then, when all feelings were felt (and this was the magic of Ariel) she tackled her negative emotions. She dissected each one until she understood how to the turn the negatives into positives.

And she did. Ariel found a positive solution.

Her solution: fish

(Just hold on. The explanation is coming!)

Ariel reasoned: She, Wendy, Peter, and Jim might be terrible guardians, but they could learn from this mistake! They could learn and then they rectify – starting with the armada of fish that Ariel was planning to attack Sinbad's ship. 

While Marlin, Dori, Nemo, Ray, Bruce, Anchor, and Chum investigated The Princess, Ariel would relay King Arthur's concerns to Wendy and Jim. Via her fishy armada, Ariel would demonstrate her clout as Seaworld guardian so Jim and Wendy would be more familiar with her powers. Therefore, the next time a problem arose they would all be more prepared.

Bam. That happened (or will happen). Problem solved. They just needed to learn about each other. That was all. And that was easy.

Light-hearted, Ariel skipped into her seaside mansion and into the main foyer. Planning a quick wardrobe change and utility supply (she would need her snorkel), she sprinted up the grand staircase.

She stopped. Someone was waiting for her.


Ariel cringed, but for several reasons. For one, Eric's nose, cheekbone, and left eye were grotesquely bruised (courtesy of Jim Hawkins). As she surveyed the damage, Ariel felt her own face tingle.

For another, Ariel also cringed because she did not care to visit with Eric. Jim hadn't divulged, but Ariel was certain that Eric had instigated their fist-fight.

Puh. Ariel snuffed as Eric descended the stairs. Stupid Eric – didn't he know Jim fought dirty? Jim was an animal. Gosh he grew up in The Docks – the cutthroat division of Fantasia! Jim had escaped the fight with a few scraped knuckles. Maybe. Eric looked like a hammerhead had chewed his face. Ew.

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