Chapter 16: Magic Fish Sticks

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Chapter 16: Magic Fish Sticks

It took three pixies to pry the night fury off Wendy. It took three more to mop saliva from her dress (again, lots of licking: the dragon was very affectionate).

When they were detached, Wendy introduced the dragon to Fawn. Once Fawn believed the dragon was not going to kill her, she donned her 'zoologist cap' and geeked right out. Night furies were extremely rare (almost extinct), and Fawn adored the species. She explored the dragon like a kid at Christmas oooing and awwing and poking and prodding.

The dragon enjoyed itself thoroughly. As Fawn described his unique traits, the dragon struck regal poses and bold shoulders. As far as the dragon and Fawn were concerned - he was a supermodel.

Wendy followed Fawn's lecture passively, but with genuine interest. She'd always enjoyed learning. Moreover, Fawn's explanations distracted Wendy from her nightmares. She'd listen to anything to forget that dreadful whirlpool dream.

Well, almost anything. When Fawn reached the dragon's hind quarters ("Wow! Someone's going to have fun this mating season!"), Wendy decided the tour was over.

"Fawn? What do night furies usually eat?"

"People." Tinkerbell muttered. She'd been sulking in the background. "Shadow workers."

Wendy held her temper. But it was wearing thin.

"Fawn?" Wendy asked again.

"Um. Fish." Fawn said. She counted a row of black nubs under the dragon's jaw. "Hey! Look! He's 20! He's about our age!"

"Super." said Tinkerbell. "Wendy, you're not seeing any action. Ask it on a date."

Wendy pursed her lips. She concentrated on the hungry dragon.

"Fish, is it? Well." she scratched the dragon's ears. "That explains the fish breath, doesn't it boy? Doesn't it?"

The dragon yapped like a puppy. He nipped Wendy's hat.

"Oh my god." Tinker stuck a finger in her mouth. "I'm going to puke. Find a room!"

"Tinkerbell." Wendy turned sharply. "Go find this dragon some fish."

"Me?" Tinkerbell sneered. "Why me? I'm the Skyworld liaison! I don't feed dragons - "

"Well you were clearly trying to feed him before!" Wendy interrupted. She placed a calming hand on the dragon's snout. "What was it that I saw you throwing? Popcorn? Well night furies don't eat popcorn, they eat fish."

Wendy spoke firmly. "So go on."

Fawn snickered."Busted."

Tinkerbell seethed. She was infuriated.

Tinkerbell loved tormenting Wendy; it had been a favorite pastime since high school. As a younger girl, Wendy had been such an easy target. She was overly polite and embarrassed easily. It was hilarious too see how far Wendy could be pushed.

Inwardly, Tinkerbell sighed. Too bad Lana was gone - that crazy mermaid had tried to drown Wendy. Good times. Good times.

But things had changed. True, Tinkerbell still loved tormenting Wendy. Wendy was still overly polite and easily embarrassed. However, Wendy could be aggravated too far. When push came to shove, she pushed back.

Normally Tinkerbell would not be intimidated. She loved a good fight.

But there was a catch. Wendy had power now. And as Peter had observed, Wendy was the boss. Moreover, she was a shadow worker. If she wanted, Wendy could make Tinkerbell's life miserable.

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