Chapter 44: Ariel's Wish

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Chapter 44: Ariel's Wish

Jim hardly breathed.


"The Princess." Admiral Triton repeated. "Is captained by Sinbad."

Admiral Triton paused. Aiming his words, he cut Jim apart. "Your father."

Everything inside Jim broke.


The man who ran away.

The man who never came back.


His father.

Jim saw every disgusting part of himself, and in every memory he became Sinbad.

He had hurt Wendy, made her cry – Sinbad had hurt his mother, and left her crying in an empty home.

He let Wendy go, he wasn't there to protect her – Sinbad had deserted his family to poverty and shame.

Ariel was a princess. Jim was sum, scum of the stars –  Sinbad was scum, scum of the seas.

Jim was branded a pirate – Sinbad was a pirate.

Jim: wide shoulders, brown hair, hollow cheeks, sharp jaw, sunken eyes – Sinbad: wide shoulders, brown hair, hollow cheeks, sharp jaw, sunken eyes.


Admiral Triton was talking, but Jim could not hear. His ears were roaring. His heart flat-lined. Every monster, every demon, every ounce of hate exhumed from the darkest corner of Jim's soul, screaming to get out.

He had to leave. He had to leave now.

Jim moved for the door. Catching him under the arm, Admiral Triton ruthlessly flung Jim back.

"We are not through Hawkins. I want answers, and I want them –"

"I don't know anything!" Jim snarled. "I don't know anything about him!"

"You expect me to believe that the second his son returns to Fantasia, your father --"

 "He is not my father – I already have one!"

"Lying will get you nowhere! This is a matter of national –"

"I'm not lying!"

"Do. Not. Lie. " Admiral Triton's eyebrows dove. "You are a guardian, responsible for protecting Fantasia from pirates and invaders even if you are his godforsaken offspring – "

"He's a son of a bitch!"

Admiral Triton faltered; Jim's voice was unrecognizable. He sounded carnal – like an animal. Or...a cyborg.

"I don't care about him, or his ship!"Jim growled. "I pray every god dam night that he goes to Hell!"

"Is that where you'll join him?" Eric sneered.

"Piece of shit I'll see you there!"

"ENOUGH." Admiral Triton seized Jim's collar. Lethally, he twisted both fists inward. "Guardian or not you are and will always be Sinbad's son. Yes you have served Fantasia. Yes you have fought our war. Yes the Wishing Star deems you worthy but I am not fooled. Were it in my power I swear that you would be locked behind prison bars."

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