Chapter 46: Sibling Rivalry

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Chapter 46: Sibling Rivalry

Jim exhaled. As his mother and Admiral Triton quarreled downstairs, Jim turned to the window and leaned over the edge. Following an unsuccessful search for Ariel, he crossed the room, carefully lifted her trident, and slipped it under the bed.

"Close." Jim breathed. Hands shaking, he wrapped a bed-sheet over the gleaming shaft and golden teeth. "Too close."

Jim sighed. He looked at Wendy.

There were a million expressions on her face. And Jim (unfortunately) could identify every one: alarm, horror, disgust, concern, embarrassment, and above all, outrage.

Jim stood. Unemotionally he took Ariel's undergarment from her hands.


Wendy snapped from her astonishment.

"Thanks? Thanks?" Appalled, she watched Jim hide Ariel's underwear inside his helmet. "That's all? That's all you have to say for yourself? Thanks?"

Jim climbed into pajama pants. "Thanks a lot."

"Thanks – a – lot?" Wendy was beside herself. "No! No! That's not all you get to say! I can't believe you! I can't believe you! Were you...? Were you...?"

Jim glowered. "Having sex?"

His bluntness embarrassed her. Regardless, Wendy spluttered.

"Well – were you?"

Bitterly Jim stared. "Yes."

"Jim!" Wendy shook her head. Everything was happening too fast to control, too fast to stop. 

"Jim –" Wendy pleaded, trying to regain control. "Jim do you really think that's the best idea?"

Jim's tensed. "Why not? You are."

His accusation hit her like a knife.

"I. Am. Not."

"Really?" Jim gestured at her soaking, unzipped dress. "Then explain this."

"What kind of foul minded – "

"Well there is something you're not telling me!"

"How do you know!?"

"I know!"

"You don't know!"

"I KNOW!" Furiously Jim advanced. "Wendy Moria – "

"Don't you Wendy Moria me James Pleiades—"

"Wendy!" Everything Jim had been withholding whipped out like a switch blade. "Wendy I've known you for too long, I can read you like a book! And I know there's something you've kept secret from me EVER since we left Fantasia six years ago and it's eating you alive!"

Guilt bled across Wendy's face and she knew he saw it. Heart racing she searched for an excuse, a lie, something, anything to conceal her engagement. If Jim discovered she and Peter were betrothed – he'd never speak to her again.

"This – this is not about me!" Wendy gripped her dress. "And I am ashamed of you for thinking so crudely! How could you say that? How could you think that I would ever give myself to Peter or to any other man for that matter! We are not doing that! BUT even if we were – which we are NOT – it would be none of your business!"

"You are dead wrong!" Jim countered. "It's all of my business!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"Why?" Wendy demanded. She could almost feel the proverbial leash Jim was trying to keep around her. "Why is any of your – "

"Because it's Pan!" Jim yelled. "And I don't want him – touching you!"

Unconsciously Wendy reached to her unfastened zipper. "That is vulgar! That is so vulgar!" She spoke louder, trying to dispel her fears. "Peter is a gentleman –"

"He's a piece of shit!"

"—which is more than I can say for SOME people!"

Jim's tone was darker than night. "Wen. You do not want to go there."

"Ohhhhhh!" Clenching her hair, Wendy turned. Struggling to stay calm, she attempted an opposing argument.

"Well what about you? What if Ariel gets – gets –"

"Pregnant?" Completely prepared for the surprise attack, Jim growled. "Then I will be the best fucking dad in the universe!"

"Not with language like that!"

Jim slammed his dresser. Wendy jumped. 

"What are you saying?" Jim snarled. "You saying I'm like HIM?"

"No!" Wendy begged, on the verge of tears. "No I didn't say that!"

"Are you saying I'm like SINBAD?"

"I DID NOT say that!"

"Are you saying I'm going fuck Ariel AND LEAVE?"

"Stop putting words in my mouth!" Wendy shouted.

"Better than ideas in your head!" Jim exploded, crushing Wendy into silence. "Because apparently you think I'm the type of scumbag that will leave Ariel with a baby, then run away and never come back! Well let me tell you something – I'd never hurt Ariel! NEVER! But I wouldn't trust Pan not to hurt you! He's the same and he'll never change! Everyone knows what he's trying to do, EXCEPT YOU! Well I am NOT going to let him treat you like a tramp! Wendy I DON'T CARE if you cry, I DON'T CARE if you hate me but I am going to protect you from him!"

Wendy was livid. She was so mad she could hardly speak.

"No!" Wendy stomped, tears streaming. "No! You CAN'T KEEP ME from Peter!"

"I WON'T HAVE TO!" Jim yelled. "Because you're going back to the Underworld so get used to being ALONE!"

Wendy staggered back. As if he'd hit her, she clasped her mouth.

Alone. Underworld. Alone.


Suddenly, Jim realized his mistake. "Oh my god – no. No I didn't – Wen – "

Wendy ran. She heard Jim chasing her and ran harder. Halfway down the hall, he grabbed her arm.

"Wen – don't  – "

She pulled away. Stumbling into her room she closed the door, but Jim blocked it.

"Wendy!" Jim's arm darted inside. Frantically, he seized her wrist. "Wendy don't do this! Listen! Wendy don't shut the – "

Wendy shoved. Jim cried out as she slammed the door and locked it tight.

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