Chapter 129: Black Ice

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Chapter 129: Black Ice


Elsa wiped her tears. The Black Cauldron sat before her, shards assembled with magical ice. The ice was black against the metal. Elsa's fingers burned with the cold. But the deed was done. The Black Cauldron was whole.

Elsa was afraid. She could feel the Black Cauldron trying to inhale her soul. Without Wendy's shadow magic, the Black Cauldron was still incomplete, but it's powers were slowly rebuilding.

Elsa knew she had sinned. However, her sins had been committed amongst countless prayers for Arthur.

Elsa grasped the Black Cauldron. Palm stinging, she rose.

"Jack!" she called, delirious with hope. "Jack! It's done! I did it! The Black Cauldron is finished! Jack! Jack hurry! Jack where are – "

Elsa paused. Someone had appeared, but it was the last person she would have ever expected.

"Peter Pan?"

Peter did not respond. He merely hovered over the ice. He gazed at Elsa vacantly, an unconscious woman in his arms. Elsa peered. She recognized the woman. It was Sarah Hawkins. Jim Hawkins' mother.

"Peter? What are you doing here?"

Again Peter did not respond, but Elsa had already formulated answers of her own. Perhaps Peter had been sent to punish her for Arthur's death – after all, he was one of King Arthur's guardians. Or, perhaps Peter had come to help! Elsa remembered that Peter had once spoken to Jack – when Jack was invisible. Yes, they were in Tiana's Palace, and Peter had spoken to Jack after Wendy's shadow working disaster –

Elsa brightened. "Peter! Did you bring Wendy? Jack said that Wendy could summon King Arthur's soul! Jack sent you with Wendy, didn't he? Peter? Peter are you alright?"

Peter was not alright. Elsa was poorly acquainted with Peter, but he had always been an animated character, larger than life. But now he was flat. Undead. Not himself. However, when Elsa mentioned Wendy, Peter spasmed like a sore muscle. He growled. He stuttered. He struggled to speak.

"Peter?" Timidly, Elsa approached.

She was suddenly intercepted by Pitch. Brushing Peter's temple, Pitch recovered the shadow's control. Peter calmed, black nightmare-sand glittering over his brow.

"There." Pitch turned. His eyes glowed hungrily at the Black Cauldron. "All better. Much...much better."

Elsa retreated. She bumped into the Black Cauldron as Pitch advanced. "Jack? Jack what's going on? What's wrong with Peter? And Wendy. Is she here? You said that Wendy --- "

"Shhh." Pitch took Elsa's wrist. Without releasing, he caressed the Black Cauldron, his hand over hers. "Everything is perfect. Oh yes. Yes my snow queen...perfect. Look at what you created!"

Elsa cringed. She tried to pull from the metal. "Jack it's cold. Please stop – "

"Cold?" Pitch curled Elsa's fingers around the brim. "Nothing is colder than you. As they say: you are an icy force both foul and fair, with a frozen heart worth mining. Strike for love. Strike for fear. See the beauty sharp and sheer. Split the ice apart. Beware the frozen heart. Just like darkness. Just like me."

Pitch squeezed, compressing her hand into the black ice. "And nothing goes better together than cold and dark. My queen."

Elsa stared at Pitch. 

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