Chapter 126: Caliburn vs Excalibur

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Chapter 126: Caliburn vs Excalibur

The story was told. The story was retold. The story was explained so many times, Schmendrick could have written a book. He was flooded with questions and accused of insanity. But in the end Arthur's identity was revealed, irrespective of the confusion. Schmendrick swore on the lost soul of Master Emrys that King Arthur of Fantasia was The King of the Otherland.

"Artie." Schmendrick reiterated, beaming ear to ear. "Is the Once and Future King."

Everyone was flummoxed, but none so much as Arthur.

"So...let me understand this." Arthur rubbed his forehead. Elsa's curse had eased since his encounter with Amalthea, but it had not disappeared. Concentrating was still hard. "You believe that I am King Arthur now?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Schmendrick explained. "And you are also The King of the Otherland, resurrected as The Once of Future King. Odette prophesized that you would return. And you have! Huzzah!"

"And Odette..." Arthur remembered. "...Odette is The Lady of the Lake? A prophet?"

"Quite so, Your Majesty!"

"You turned Odette into a swan?"

"Hopefully a magical, talking swan, Your Majesty."

"Uh huh. And Odette made a prophesy about me?"

"Amongst other things, Your Majesty."

"What things?"

"Hard to recall exactly, Your Majesty. We will lean more once we find Odette, Your Majesty. We might also recover Caliburn, Your Majesty. You see, Odette is the sword's guardian, Your Majesty."

Arthur waved dismissively. "You don't have to keep calling me Your Majesty. It's Arthur."

"Certainly, Your Majesty."

"No, no, Schmendrick, you really don't have to keep calling me Your –"

"I'll call ye Artie." Shrek piped. "Wouldn't want te spoil old times."

Arthur glared. "Thanks." he muttered as Shrek picked his rump. "Congenial of you."

"No problem." Shrek burped. "Erm ehm  –Artie. King Artie. Oh aye, king, that has a nice ring."

Shrek belched to demonstrate his "nice ring." Devon grimaced, and Schmendrick scolded him for indecent behavior.

Arthur adjusted his robes, trying to regain the warmth left by Amalthea's kiss. Suddenly reminded of the mysterious lady, he made eye contact with the unicorn. The unicorn was already looking at him.

Arthur flushed. He forced himself to return to Schmendrick. "What is Caliburn?"

"Pardon, Your Majesty?"

"You said we might recover Caliburn. What is that?"

"Oh Caliburn!" Kayley trumpeted. "Caliburn is your magical sword!"

Arthur frowned. "Excalibur?"

"No, Caliburn!"

"You...mean my sword? The sword I pulled from the stone? Excalibur?"

"Yes your sword! The one given to you by The Lady of the Lake! Caliburn!"


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